Now showing items 13276-13295 of 57711

    Effect of cotton seed meal upon the churnability of cream, and the market qualities of the butter [1]
    The effect of country of design, parts, and manufacturing labels on apparel quality, price, and purchase intention [1]
    Effect of creep and shrinkage on the behavior of reinforced concrete members [1]
    The effect of cultures and the relation of acid standardization to several of the physical and chemical properties of ice cream [1]
    Effect of date of seeding on the yield and test-weight of oat varieties [1]
    Effect of delayed auditory feedback levels on vowel duration [abstract] [1]
    Effect of Delayed Polymerization Time and Bracket Manipulation on Orthodontic Bracket Bonding [1]
    The effect of dextrose and sucrose sugars upon the properties of ice cream [1]
    Effect of diet properties on the degradation of cartilage in mandibular symphysis [1]
    The effect of dietary fiber on the physio-chemical and sensorial properties of frozen yogurt [1]
    The effect of different homogenization processes on the physical properties of an ice cream mixture and the resulting ice cream when the percentage of fat is varied and the solids not fat remain constant [1]
    The effect of different increments of sucrose and dextrose on the freezing procedures, mix compositions, stability, and internal structure of ice cream [1]
    Effect of different marinade treatments on survival and morphology of pathogens in beef jerky [1]
    The effect of different nutritive planes upon the economy of gain and the rate of growth of young cattle [1]
    The effect of different pasteurization temperatures on several of the physical properties of milk [1]
    The effect of different percentages of butterfat on the physical properties of ice cream [2]
    The effect of digitalis on the cardiac peripheral neuro-muscular complex [1]
    The Effect of Director's Personal Communication with Church Choir Members on Rehearsal Attendance [1]
    Effect of disorder on the nondissipative drag between two mesoscopic metal rings [1]
    The Effect of Drugs of Abuse and HIV-1 GP120 on Autophagy in Astrocytes [1]