Now showing items 30327-30346 of 57707

    Microenvironmental regulation of ovarian cancer dissemination via activation of the Wnt signaling pathway [1]
    Microfabricated devices for single cell analysis [1]
    Microfabrication and modeling of a tool for thermodynamic characterization of micro-samples [1]
    Microfabrication of variable range and multi-directionally sensitive thermal flow sensor [1]
    Microflora of prepackaged luncheon meats [1]
    A microfluidic based biosensor for rapid detection of Salmonella in food products [1]
    Microfluidic capture of rare cells via non-cylindrical microposts in an array [1]
    Microhabitat selection by cave salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) as it relates to relative humidity and temperature [2]
    Micromachined PDMS elastic post arrays for studying vascular smooth muscle cells [1]
    Micromosaics : souvenirs, collective memory, and the reception of antiquity on the Grand Tour [1]
    Microphotonic Harsh Environment Sensors for Clean Fuel and Power Generation [1]
    Micropost sensor array for cell traction forces studies [1]
    Microrna detection by surface plasmon resonance [1]
    MicroRNA mir-146a expression in oral cancer tissues [abstract] [1]
    Microrna regulation of bursicon in drosophila melanogaster [1]
    Microscale liquid dielectrophoresis for multiphase fluids manipulation [1]
    A microscopic and statistical analysis of texture and structure of ice cream as affected by composition, physical properties, and processing methods [1]
    Microscopic colitis [2]
    Microsoft conferenceXP reflector service [abstract] [1]
    Microstructural and environmental effects on fretting fatigue [1]