• Does low-dose aspirin reduce preeclampsia and other maternal-fetal complications? 

    Gauer, Robert; Atlas, Michel C. (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2008)
    The use of low-dose aspirin during pregnancy decreases the risk of preeclampsia for women considered at increased risk. The effect is smaller for women without risk factors (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on ...
  • What are the repercussions of disclosing a medical error? 

    Calvert, James F. Jr.; Hollander-Rodriguez, Joyce; Atlas, Michel C. (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2008)
    Physicians and their staff may experience a resolution of anxiety and guilt that can improve their well-being (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, based on survey data). Full disclosure has little effect, however, on the ...
  • What hormonal contraception is most effective for obese women? 

    Gordon, Lauren; Thakur, Netra; Atlas, Michel C. (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2007)
    Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA; Depo-Provera) and the combination contraceptive vaginal ring (NuvaRing) are most effective for obese women because they don't appear to be affected by body weight (strength of ...
  • What's the best strategy for bipolar disorder during pregnancy? 

    Minick, Genevieve; Atlas, Michel C. (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2007)
    Lithium is the first-line treatment for pregnant patients requiring medication (SOR: C, based on expert opinion). Monotherapy is preferred for women of childbearing age who have bipolar disorder (strength of recommendation ...
  • What's the best way to manage athletes with amenorrhea? 

    Gamboa, Stephen; Gaskie, Sean; Atlas, Michel C. (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2008)
    Ruling out secondary causes of amenorrhea is, of course, the first step. Once that's done, you can make a presumptive diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea and advise the patient to increase caloric intake or decrease energy ...