Now showing items 1-18 of 18

  • The case against teacher certification 

    Ballou, Dale; Podgursky, Michael John (National Affairs, Inc., 1998)
    The system by which the nation trains and licenses its public school teachers recently came under sharp attack from an organization called the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF). In its 1996 ...
  • Defrocking the National Board 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Education Matters, 2001)
    The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, through its series of comprehensive performance assessments of teaching proficiency, is identifying and certifying teachers who are producing students who differ in ...
  • Estimates of school productivity and implications for policy 

    Peng, Xiao (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
    School productivity was not perfectly estimated because of the sampling error and the measurement error. The traditional Ordinary Least Square (OLS) leaves the estimation of school productivity questionable. Moreover, ...
  • An Evaluation of Missouri's A+ Schools' Program 

    Lee, Myoung; Mueser, Peter R., 1952-; Podgursky, Michael John (Department of Economics, 2004)
    The A+ Schools Program was initiated to offer financial incentives to students to attend Missouri's public 2-year post-secondary schools. Under the program, the state government provides eligible students with college ...
  • Flunking ETS 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Education Next, 2001)
    Many education scholars would be surprised to learn that Harold Wenglinsky of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) had discovered, in his own words, “not only that teachers matter most” for student achievement, “but how ...
  • Fringe Benefits: There is More to Compensation than a Teacher's Salary 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Education Next, 2003)
    Each year, the two national teacher unions, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), release their surveys of public school teacher salaries across the nation, and each year ...
  • Golden Handcuffs 

    Costrell, Robert M.; Podgursky, Michael John (Education Next, 2010)
    Teacher pensions consume a substantial portion of school budgets. If relatively generous pensions help attract effective teachers, the expense might be justified. But new evidence suggests that current pension systems, by ...
  • Is Teacher Pay “Adequate”? 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Department of Economics, 2005)
    In school finance lawsuits plaintiffs often claim that pay levels are not sufficient to recruit teachers who can deliver constitutionally-mandated levels of educational services. In this paper I consider several ways in ...
  • K-12 Public School Finance in Missouri: An Overview 

    Podgursky, Michael John; Springer, Matthew G. (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2006)
    The level and distribution of spending for public K-12 education remains a contentious matter of policy in many states because of increasing expectations for school performance and widespread school finance litigation. In ...
  • Let the Market Decide 

    Ballou, Dale; Podgursky, Michael John (Education Next, 2001)
    By thoroughly standardizing teacher pay, the single salary schedule suffers from a major flaw: It deprives the managers of public schools of the authority to adjust an individual teacher's pay to reflect both his performance ...
  • Market-Based Reform of Teacher Compensation 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Institute for Public School Initiatives, 2009)
    Compensation accounts for over ninety percent of instructional costs in public schools, yet the process for setting the level and structure of educator compensation is rarely rational or strategic. Ideally, total compensation ...
  • (Mis-) Measuring the Relative Pay of Public School Teachers 

    Podgursky, Michael John; Tongrut, Ruttaya (Education Finance and Policy, 2006)
    Statistics on the relative pay of public school teachers are routinely cited by plaintiffs in school finance (“adequacy”) lawsuits. However, comparisons of pay and benefits for public school teachers to those of professional ...
  • Peaks, Cliffs, and Valleys: The Peculiar Incentives in Teacher Retirement Systems and Their Consequences for School Staffing 

    Costrell, Robert M.; Podgursky, Michael John (American Education Finance Association, 2009)
    This article examines the pattern of incentives for work versus retirement in six state teacher pension systems. We do this by examining the annual accrual of pension wealth from an additional year of work over a teacher's ...
  • Personnel Policy in Traditional Public, Private, and Charter Schools 

    Podgursky, Michael John (NCSC Review, 2003)
    A major policy discussion in K-12 education today concerns the issue of teacher quality. Research suggests that one of the most important contributions of schools to student achievement gains is the quality of classroom ...
  • Reforming Teacher Training and Recruitment: A Critical Appraisal of the Recommendations of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future 

    Ballou, Dale; Podgursky, Michael John (Government Union Review, 1999)
    The author discusses the prolonged debate about education quality in the United States. Too many teachers had poor academic records and received low scores on tests of cognitive ability. Teacher education programs were ...
  • Teacher Compensation and Collective Bargaining 

    Podgursky, Michael John (Elsevier, 2010)
    While compensation accounts for roughly 90 percent of K-12 instructional costs, there is little evidence of rational design in these systems. This chapter reviews the nature of teacher compensation systems in developed ...
  • Teacher Retirement Benefits 

    Costrell, Robert M.; Podgursky, Michael John (Education Next, 2009)
    The ongoing global financial crisis is forcing many employers, from General Motors to local general stores, to take a hard look at the costs of the compensation packages they offer employees. For public school systems, ...
  • Three essays on educator labor markets : evidence from Missouri public schools 

    Shi, Shishan (University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
    This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay investigates the feasibility of moving high-performing teachers to low-performing schools using administrative micro data from Missouri. I find when a teacher ...