Browsing by Thesis Department "Zoology (MU)"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Age determination and population structure in Missouri bullfrogs
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)"Detailed studies of the life history of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana Shaw) in Missouri were initiated by Moyle (1952). He investigated phenology of emergence, call, breeding, transformation, and hibernation; mobility, ... -
Anatomy of Ascidia viridis u. sp.
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1902)All the observations for this description were made from specimens preserved either in formalin or picro-formalin. The formalin specimens, which were left in the test, were found to be in the best condition. Those preserved ... -
Behavior, reproduction, and development in confined swamp rabbits
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)"The data presented in this thesis were obtained from a study of confined swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) at the Clifford W. Gaylord Memorial Wildlife Laboratory. The Laboratory, which is operated jointly by the ... -
Cage culture of channel catfish in a heated effluent from a power plant, Thomas Hill Reservoir
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 1976)The thermal effluent from electric power plants has been a subject of increased concern because of possible detrimental effects to the enviornment. Power demands in the united states have increased tremendously and may ... -
Development of the glochidium into the miniature mussel
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1906)This thesis provides a detailed description of the structure of Glochidium and traces its development into mature mussels. -
An ecological survey of natural areas in central Missouri
(University of Missouri, 1965)"The present study is a preliminary attempt to Inventory, analyse and evaluate the remaining natural areas of Missouri and to determine the rates and causes for the destruction of areas."--Introduction. -
Ecology of prairie grouse on two sandhills refuges in Nebraska
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1964)This paper reports an ecological study of the plains sharp-tailed grouse (Pedioecetes phasianellus jamesi) and the greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus), on two national Wildlife Refuges in Nebraska. The ... -
The effect of corticotropin on sodium metabolism in the teleost, Fundulus kansae
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1963)There are two approaches to the study of endocrinology of osmo-regulation in teleosts: (1) identification of hormones present and (2) determination of the effects of hormones on parameters associated with osmoregulation. ... -
The ethology of the Arizona Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus tumidus)
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 1971)"The study of animal behavior has erroneously been described as the newest branch of the zoological sciences. In reality the study of behavior began with man's initial observations of the animals around him since his ... -
Growth rate and plumage development of the redhead duck (aythya americana)
(University of Missouri., 1954)"This project, which was undertaken at the belts Station in June of 1952, had the following major objectives: (1) to study the growth rate and plumage development of the red head, with emphasis on the age at time of flight ... -
A histological study of the marsupium of the unionidae
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1912)In connection with the extensive investigation of the Unionidae which has been conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries for the past four years, with a view to determining the feasibility of artificial propagation of the mussel ... -
In vitro digestibility of cellulose and chemical composition of preferred foods of Missouri white-tailed deer
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1970)"The white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, is one of the very few wild animals that has benefitted from man's exploitation of North America. Lumbering and agriculture have increased deer range and numbers until today ... -
Relation of the glochidium of fresh-water mussels to the tissues of the host
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1909)The present study, which has been made in connection with the investigations now being carried on at the University of Missouri for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries on the artificial propagation of fresh water mussels, was ... -
Reproduction and behavior in the Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1968)"The Subfamily Gerbillinae is composed of ten genera (Simpson, 1945) and approximately 102 species. Representatives of this group are found throughout Africa, Central Asia, and Asia Minor. Within their range gerbils are ... -
Seasonal sudanophilic variation in the cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) adrenal cortex
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1963)For hundreds of years naturalists have observed that some mammalian species show dramatic changes In numbers of individuals present in populations over a period of years. The term "population cycles" has been used to ... -
Some aspects of the life history of the black redhorse (moxostoma duquesni lesueur) with reference to its association with the smallmouth bass (micropterus dolomieui lacepede) in two south central missouri streams, the niangua and the big piney
(University of Missouri., 1954)Throughout the United States fishery management efforts have been concentrated on game fishes and the sport fishery. In contrast with information already available on many sport fish species, relatively little is known ... -
A study of the distribution of dead and resorbing embryos in the rat uterus
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1961)"The characteristic method of elimination of a dead embryo from the uterus of a polytocous animal is by resorption. This involves an enzymatic digestion of the dead embryo la situ, the products of digestion being eliminated ...