Browsing by Thesis Semester "1908"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
The attitude of the ancient Greek writers toward oracles
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The object of this dissertation is to show to what extent the educated people of ancient Greece believed in the reality, power, and authority of the oracles. There is no doubt that the common people believed implicitly. ... -
Control of the humus supply of certain important Missouri soils
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The soils of Missouri, with very few exceptions, are deficient in humus, and the continuous cropping (to corn especially) which is practiced in many parts of the state is rapidly depleting what humus there is in the soil. ... -
A criticism of Keller's Homeric society
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The sociological study of the Iliad and Odyssey entitled "Homeric Society", and compiled by Albert Galloway Keller, instructor in social science at Yale University, offers much interesting reading, much matter for careful ... -
Development of the General assembly of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The legislature of Missouri, like the legislatures of the other states in the Union, differs from the Congress of the United States in that it does not exercise specific delegated powers, but has a general residuary ... -
Disposal of the east side sewage, Columbia, Mo.
(University of Missouri, 1908)Owing to the location of the main sewer system of Columbia, Missouri, and the topography of the immediate and surrounding country on which the city is located, it is difficult to dispose of the sewage of the east part of ... -
An experiment in the seventh grade of the Teachers college elementary school, University of Missouri, in the attempt to find a principle which would remedy some of the defects of the present elementary school curriculum
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)This thesis describes an attempt to remedy some of the defects of the modern elementary curriculum. That there were such defects has been felt by the author since he first taught in a rural school. As a result of courses ... -
Experiments in the application of pragmatic principles to the teaching of English composition
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)Composition, in the sense of meaning the organization and expression in language of one's thoughts, was an important activity of man at a very early time, for the reason that it was necessary to him in his struggle for ... -
The forms and extent of Milton's influence upon Thomson, Gray and Collins
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The attempt to trace in some detail and to indicate to some extent the influence of Milton upon the conceptions and language of Thomson, Gray, and, Collins; to show that their obligation to him is something more specific ... -
The history of legislative provision for defectives in Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The Insane: The class of defectives first provided for by legislation in Missouri was the insane or "persons of unsound mind", as they were called. This priority of legislative provision is probably accounted for by the ... -
I. Studies with red clover seed as related to color. II. Studies with the impurities found in red clover and alfalfa seed
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)Part I: The question of color in red clover seed is a matter to which practical farmers have come to attach some importance as an indication of the relative value of different samples. However, all do not hold the same ... -
Some considerations in the teaching of mediaeval and modern history in high schools
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)This paper is an attempt to show what is considered by the writer to be the function of Mediaeval and Modern History at the Teachers College High School, to find out what method this function can best be realized, to show ... -
Some factors influencing the germination of corn : a thesis
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)One line of agricultural investigation that has been much neglected is that of determining what factors may influence the germination of corn. There has been in fact no direct work done along this line that is available ... -
Steer feeding : wintering yearling and two year old steers, residual effect of wintering rations on rate and economy of subsequent gains, influence of age on rate and economy of gains
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)It seems that, where an abundance of cheap roughage and good pasture is obtainable, the present custom of buying stocker and feeder cattle in the fall and wintering on cheap maintenance rations, in order to secure maximum ... -
The treatment of irrational numbers in the secondary schools
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1908)The subject matter of this paper was suggested by the belief that a treatment of irrational numbers, from the stand point of the "cut" number, has certain points of superiority over the common treatment from the standpoint ...