Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Entrainment and transport of coarse stream bed material in a fluviokarst watershed, south-central Missouri : a tracer particle study
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
Plateau of south-central Missouri, and Bear Cave Hollow (BCH), one of TCC's surface drainage streams, bed load entrainment and transport dynamics of mainly siliciclastic material, was evaluated using hydrological measurements and 670 painted tracer...
GPS measurements of present day crustal deformation within the Lebanese Restraining Bend along the Dead Sea Transform
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008)
The Lebanese restraining bend is a 200 km long bend with a left lateral sense of slip located along the Dead Sea fault system (DSFS) between 33.2 and 34.6 degrees north latitude. The DSFS is a transform plate boundary fault ...