Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Quantifying suspended sediment loading in a mid-Missouri urban watershed using laser particle diffraction
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2011)
/water-quality stations were installed in a nested-scale watershed study design to capture differing land-use type influences on SSC. Mean SSCs were estimated to be 66.0, 70.0, and 86.0 [mu]l/l for the headwater (agricultural), suburban (mixed land-use), and urban sub...
Quantifying riparian canopy energy attenuation and stream temperature using an energy balance approach
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2011)
of the central U.S. Hydroclimate data were collected from two intensively instrumented stream reaches of opposite orthogonal compass orientation in a semi-karst watershed on the border of southern Missouri's Ozark region, USA, during the 2010 water year. Data...
Stand structure development effects on wood quality of Melina (Gmelina arborea roxb.)
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2009)
A stem analysis was perform to examines the effects of thinning treatments on Melina (Gmelina arborea) wood quality and tree architecture in the North Coast of Colombia. 27 plots under forest management regimes and age ...
Economic analysis of woody biomass harvesting in the Missouri Ozarks
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
An integrated mechanized timber harvest thinning treatment to remove small diameter trees and merchantable saw logs was conducted on 30 acres of the Missouri, Ozarks in the summer of 2009. Two silvicultural treatments (single tree selection...
Restoring forest composition and structure of riparian corridors in the Missouri Ozarks
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008)
on the 1) artificial regeneration of 13 native bottomland tree species, 2) composition of natural tree regeneration, and 3) composition, structure, and diversity of the resulting ground flora at three riparian sites in the Missouri Ozarks. Choice of tree...
The potential of producing bioenergy crops on conservation reserve program land in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas (MINK Region) to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions : an integrated economics and biological modeling approach
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
Concerns about global warming and climate change have generated increasing interest in development of bioenergy crops as a potential source of low-carbon energy. The goal of this research was to quantify environmental and ...
Modeling the financial impact of management decisions on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) production
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
Located primarily in the southeastern United States, Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is a variety of Southern yellow pine that is often planted by non-industrial private landowners seeking a beneficial long-term investment ...
Using attitutudes and motivations to segment the landowner audience: a typology of family forest owners in the Missouri Ozarks and description of management and information behaviors
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2005)
With 74% of Missouri's forestland controlled by family forest owners, understanding this ownership group is important to ensuring the sustainable management of the state's forests. Audience segmentation techniques can help us to understand...
Macroinvertebrate assemblage composition along a longitudinal multiple-land-use gradient in a midwestern stream
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2012)
Land use changes often alter hydrogeomorphology and hydrologic flow regimes, which can adversely impact stream aquatic biota. Hinkson Creek Watershed (HCW, 231km2) located in Boone County, central Missouri, is comprised of 50% agriculture, 26...
Woody species and forest structure in northern Missouri riparian forests with different ages and watershed sites
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2006)
A chronosequence (1 to 250+ years) of 160 woody species plots was established throughout northern Missouri riparian forests to explain the influence of site hydrology and stand age on species distribution and forest structure. Stand age was found...
Turning up the heat: fire ecology and climate adaptive silviculture in longleaf pine forests
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)
] 30 percent RH). I found only minor differences in fuel, fire behavior, and fire effects among treatments, likely from low fuel loads due to frequent prescribed burning. These results indicate that management options in future climates may be flexible...