Now showing items 1-11 of 11
The pattern of allied post-war diplomacy : the problems of the Italo-Yugoslav boundary disputes and the free territory of Trieste, July 17, 1945-March 20, 1948
(University of Missouri., 1961)
"In this ever shrinking world of great atomic powers, the fate of the smaller nations has often seemed insignificant; yet, as the power struggle between East and West expressed itself at the end of World War II this view ...
The politics of special road districts abolishment in Missouri, 1970-1975
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1975)
This study seeks to describe and explain the politics of dissolution of special road districts in Missouri from 1970 through 1974. It focuses on successful road district dissolutions in twenty Missouri counties during the five-year period...
The poverty of place : a comparative study of five rural counties in the Missouri Ozark
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1999)
to further the understanding of the dynamics driving this phenomenon or to discover what types of public policies are likely to be successful at breaking up these areas of persistent poverty. The existence of a five county group in the south central Missouri...
North Korea's emulation Chinese politics : an examination of Mao Tse-Tung's ideological influence
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1979)
North Korean leader, Kim Il-song has been known among western observers as a "faithful disciple of Stalin." Furthermore, Communist North Korea has been known to the western world as faithfully following the Soviet model. ...
The Office of Governor of the State of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1963)
"The purpose of this study is to examine the Office of Governor in Missouri as it exists and functions at the present time, although attention will be given to its historical development. Emphasis will be placed on the functions performed...
Political development in the mini-state Caribbean : a focus on Barbados
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1972)
"Seconds after midnight, November 30, 1966, a new trident-bedecked, gold and blue banner caught the prevailing Caribbean breeze signaling the birth of another new nation. The fact that this former British outpost, Barbados, was one of the smallest...
The efficacy of third-party interventions: international organization-led interventions into ongoing and post-conflict situations
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)
The past 30 years have seen the international system undergo definite change in both the nature of conflict and the way in which it is responded to by international actors. Interstate wars have largely given way to civil conflicts, which have...
OPEC as a non-state actor : formation and dynamics
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1982)
This dissertation analyzes the factors which have promoted the formation of OPEC and the dynamics of its confrontation with the multinational oil companies (MNOCs). It analyzes the rise of OPEC from the perspective of the ...
Normative political community : the necessary condition for justice
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1979)
In this dissertation, I develop a theory of political community through an analysis of human needs for fellowship on the one hand, and a synthesis of numerous critiques of the liberal state on the other. My thesis is that ...
The railroad and warehouse commission of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1913)
of imitative adaptation. The one form of corporate business with which this paper deals is the methods of railroad regulation in Missouri. The railroad corporation was the first of a class of public utility corporation was the first of a class of public utility...
Changing perceptions of alliance relations by select Southeast Asian states, 1951 - 1972
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1978)
The purpose of this study is to examine the thesis that in the period from 1951 through 1972, the receptivity of select Southeast Asian states towards alliance relations with the United States underwent a change because ...