Now showing items 1-20 of 13324
The Soils of Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 2: It is the purpose of this thesis to describe briefly the origin, distribution, and character of the soils in the different parts of the State, as determined by extensive field and laboratory studies and ...
Factors affecting the growth of dairy animals
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from introduction: All successful breeders are continually striving to improve the quality of their herds. The value of any dairy herd is determined to a great extent by the way in which the heifers within that herd ...
Variations and correlations in wheat
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 1: The point especially sought for in this investigation is the relation between mixed populations and pure lines of the same variety. It is desired to know whether a character is more or less variable or ...
A study of bloodlines which have produced 2:10 trotters
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page iii: The data reported in this thesis are the results of a study of the bloodlines which have been most prominent in the production of individuals of extreme speed. As a basis for this extreme speed, those ...
The coloring matter in fat from cow's milk
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1910)
Text from page 1: The great variety of coloring matters that exist throughout the entire plant and animal kingdoms have long been of interest to scientists. From the standpoint of both the chemist and the physiologist a ...
The artistic crafts in the public schools
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 3: The intention here is, to deal with the subject from the standpoint of the crafts themselves, their direct and indirect functions, and the justification for their place in the course of study for elementary ...
The use of desiccated eggs in the home preparation of foods
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1917)
Text from page 25: The problem here to be solved is a most practical one, and upon its satisfactory solution depends the value of the entire investigation. We have attempted to determine the extent to which dried eggs may ...
Non-analytic functions of a complex variable
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1917)
Text from page 1: It will be the purpose of this paper to discuss some of the properties of non-analytic functions of a complex variable, and to determine, if possible, some correspondences between the theory of analytic ...
Geology and Mineralogy of the Wellington Mine, Breckenridge, Summit County, Colorado
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 3: This paper is based on work done during the summer of 1915, while the writer was a member of a field party, engaged in geological work in the vicinity of Breckenridge, Colorado. Through the kindness of ...
The earlier political career of Thomas Hart Benton 1820-1833
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1917)
Text from page 3: The purpose of this study is to consider the part that was taken by Benton in the political affairs of Missouri during the earlier years of his service in the Senate, to determine what were the influences ...
Silage as a part ration for horses and mules or various ages under varying conditions
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 174: This was an initial effort to feed silage as a part ration to horses and mules of various ages and under varying conditions at the Missouri Experiment Station. The data in the 1915-1916 tests are not ...
The influence of carbon dioxide and other chemicals on vegetative and reproductive activity of plants
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1917)
It is generally accepted at the present time that the action of ether upon plants in the early stages of rest, or the resting period, is the nature of an arrest, or complete cessation of growth, and that as a result of ...
A study of the reliability of the Thorndike Handwriting Scale
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 3: The problem of these studies is to determine the usability of the Thorndike Handwriting Scale. Some investigators, in attempting to make practical use of the scale, have beoome dissatisfied with it and ...
Some Fusaria found on the cowpea, watermelon and carnation
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 1: The economic importance of the Fusarium problem affords a sufficient reason for the study of this genus of fungi. Various wilts, rots and blights are caused by parasitic and saprophytic Fusaria. It is ...
The development of the fruit tree as influenced by the season of transplanting
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
There seems to be a conflict of opinion as to that part of the dormant season in which fruit trees may be transplanted with the greatest assurance of success. There is perhaps not a month from October to May that has not ...
Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page ii: The following discussion of the poet, Robert Bloomfield, is divided into four parts: first, a detailed account of the poet's life; second, an account of each of the poet's works, its contents and its ...
The psychology of the Negro
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from introduction: Though the term "race psychology" has been in use, for some years, the amount of scientific evidence of the existence of racial differences in mentality is very small. In America, where so many races ...
Winter rations for dairy heifers
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from introduction: The experiment stationre ports show that it costs $70 to raise a heifer to two years old, and that 70 percent of this cost is for feed. The greater portion of this c ost is for feed when the animals ...
Investigation of the stretch moduli
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1916)
Text from page 15: Professor E. R. Hedrick, after plotting numerous curves from data obtained by the Watertown Arsenal, on testing strength of materials, found that in a great many determinations of the relation of the ...
Evaluation of the Role of Adjunctive Corticosteroids in the Management of Children Hospitalized with Orbital Cellulitis
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2017)
Orbital cellulitis is an infection of the orbit that can lead to rare, but life-altering
complications. Previous studies have suggested that corticosteroids may improve recovery in
patients with ...