Now showing items 1-20 of 164
Crude Oil and Stock Markets: Stability, Instability, and Bubbles
(Department of Economics, 2008)
We analyze the long-run relationship between the world price of crude oil and international stock markets over 1971:1-2008:3 using a cointegrated vector error correction model with additional regressors. Allowing for ...
Environmental Policy Attitudes: Issues, Geographical Scale, and Political Trust
(Department of Economics, 2008)
Objectives. This article examines environmental policy attitudes, focusing on the differences in preferences across issue type (i.e., pollution, resource preservation) and geographical scale (i.e., local, national, global). ...
Explaining Public Attitudes on State Legislative Professionalism
(Department of Economics, 2008)
Scholars have long argued that state legislative professionalism, or the provision of staff, legislator salary, and session length, has behavioral incentives for legislators and implications for legislative capacity. Scant ...
Excess Sensitivity in Consumption without Liquidity Constraint: Evidence from Monthly Household Panel Data
(Department of Economics, 2007)
The monthly salaries and allowances of Korean government employees are known in advance but vary greatly throughout the year. Using a large Korean monthly panel data set from 1994 to 2003, we examine how nondurable consumption ...
Heterogeneous Information and Investment under Uncertainty
(Department of Economics, 2007)
A sudden change in investment environment shifts objective uncertainty (characterized by parameters that determine the distribution of returns) and at the same time heightens subjective uncertainty (about the data generating ...
Herding and Bank Runs
(Department of Economics, 2007)
Traditional models of bank runs do not allow for herding effects, because in these models withdrawal decisions are assumed to be made simultaneously. I extend the banking model to allow a depositor to choose his withdrawal ...
An Information Theoretic Approach to Flexible Stochastic Frontier Models
(Department of Economics, 2007)
Parametric stochastic frontier models have a long history in applied production economics, but the class of tractible parametric models is relatively small. Consequently, researchers have recently considered non-parametric ...
Real and Virtual Competition
(Department of Economics, 2007)
Although the Internet reduces market frictions by making it easier for consumers to obtain information about prices and product offerings, goods sold by electronic firms are not perfect substitutes for otherwise identical ...
Behavioral Foundations for Conditional Markov Models of Aggregate Data
(Department of Economics, 2007)
Conditional Markov chain models of observed aggregate share-type data have been
used by economic researchers for several years, but the classes of models commonly
used in practice are often criticized as being purely ad ...
Joint Estimation of Sequential Labor Force Participation and Fertility Decisions Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
(Department of Economics, 2004)
In this paper we estimate the causal effect of children on the labor supply of women using panel data on women from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79). We examine the effect of children both prior to ...
An Evaluation of Missouri's A+ Schools' Program
(Department of Economics, 2004)
The A+ Schools Program was initiated to offer financial incentives to students to attend Missouri's public 2-year post-secondary schools. Under the program, the state government provides eligible students with college ...
Latino Immigration and Meatpacking in the Rural Midwest : An Inventory of Community Impacts and Responses
(Cambio Center, 2002)
This paper discusses Latino immigration to the rural Midwest as one micro effect of the macro process of economic globalization. Impacts of Latino immigrants moving into rural communities, and what communities have done ...
Globalization and Latino labor: Labor advocates' accounts of meatpacking in rural Missouri
(Cambio Center, 2002)
This paper presents labor advocates' accounts of the common problems faced by Latino/a workers employed in the Missouri meatpacking industry and the potential strategies they identify for addressing them. Information is ...
Latinos in Southwest Missouri : Capturing the American Dream through Farming
(Cambio Center, 2006)
Even as farm ownership is declining in the US as a whole, an increasing number of Latinos are entering the farming business. In fact, Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group of farm owner/operators in Missouri and in ...
Exploring Double Consciousness within the Hispanic Male Community
(Cambio Center, 2002)
Developing what W.E.B. DuBois termed "double-consciousness" was African Americans' response to dealing with daily racial inequalities experienced in this country. In certain respects, obstacles Hispanic men are having to ...
Immigration, Mobility and Community in a Global World
(Cambio Center, 2002)
This paper examines the relationship between mobility and how Latino immigrants and internal migrants to Columbia, Missouri, experience community. I present literature on community and mobility, primarily that related to ...
New Estimates of Public Employment and Training Program Net Impacts: A Nonexperimental Evaluation of the Workforce Investment Act Program
(Department of Economics, 2009)
This paper presents nonexperimental net impact estimates for the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the primary federal job training program in the U.S. The key measure of interest ...
How Do States Formulate Medicaid and SCHIP Policy? Economic and Political Determinants of State Eligibility Levels
(Department of Economics, 2009)
We exploit the existence of substantial variation in state policies toward public health insurance for children between 1990 and 2002 to estimate the economic and political determinants of state eligibility levels. Controlling ...
Exposure Order Effects and Advertising Competition
(Department of Economics, 2008)
This paper applies the theories of exposure order effects, developed in the psychology literature, to an industrial organization model to explore their role in advertising competition. There are two firms and infinitely ...
The Impact of Welfare Reform on Leaver Characteristics, Employment and Recidivism
(Department of Economics, 2002)
Welfare reform has transformed the U.S. cash assistance program for single parents and their children. Although there remains substantial uncertainty about the importance of reform in producing the subsequent decline in ...