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Items matching your query
Cold filtration of biodiesel fuel [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
This project is to test biodiesel fuel in a real world type situation. The project includes cooling the diesel fuel and determining the amount of flow restriction the filter provides at low temperatures. Different types ...
Identifying out of context smiling in children: Are they really happy? [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
We examined children's expressions characteristic of smiles during pleasurable (in context) and distressing (out of context) situations. We hypothesize that smiles during distressing contexts were not accompanied by pleasure. ...
A longitudinal analysis of political issue ownership trends and shifts from 1970 to 2004 [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2005)
Bilateral asymmetry in Great Lakes pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
This study is being conducted to determine whether and to what degree developmental instability occurs in the pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) populations inhabiting the Great Lakes of North America. Developmental ...
Natural genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana: A functional genomics approach to drought and heat stress tolerance [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
research resource that is unique for higher plants. The objective of this experiment is to observe the responses of different phenotypes (natural variants) to specific stresses in order to quantify their respective levels of genetic expression thereafter...
Synthesis of N-((5-Hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl)icosanamide [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
N-((5-Hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl)icosanamide is a compound found in the wax of green of coffee. It is
thought to induce acid reflux. The synthesis of N-((5-Hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl)icosanamide consists
of joining 2 ...
The complex nature of IPR in China [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are an increasingly important issue for developed economies as the
trend of globalization continues. China has been identified as perhaps the worst violator of IPR in the
world. The ...
Mexican Americans and career development
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
Research studies examining Mexican Americans' career development is important due their increasing representation in the labor force. A total of 264 Mexican American college students (107 males, 157 females) participated in this study. This research...
An evaluation of hospitality recruiters' perceptions of recruiting events [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
. The apparent result of this change has been a diminished presence of companies physically coming to campus to recruit students. The purpose of this research was to obtain the perception of recruiters who regularly come to the MU campus as to their perceptions...
Methodology for interference analysis using electromagnetic topology techniques [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
The project focuses on the effects of electromagnetic pulses on shielded and unshielded electronics in various applications, from pacemakers to guidance systems in airplanes. The research is mostly simulation based. In the research to date...
Children's representations of boundary dissolution in family drawings [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
Parent-child relationships are defined by emotional and psychological limits referred to as boundaries.
When these boundaries are not maintained, e.g. child takes on a parental role; children are likely to
experience ...
The effect of leadership development on first-year college students reported self-regulation and self-efficacy [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
, this research investigation seeks to determine the effect of involvement in leadership development programs on first year college students' perceived self-regulation and self-efficacy. The research design prompts a comparison of first year students who...
The synthesis of adenine in interstellar space [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
adenine, why not guanine, or many other molecules of life? Our research can add greatly to discussions of the possibility of life elsewhere....
A cross-cultural examination of religious skepticism [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
Religion is a pervasive aspect of daily life, but this does not preclude skepticism about a given aspect of religious practice or religion in general. My research focuses on the issue of religious skepticism and the social factors that affect...
Shipping Box Radiation Level Detector
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
Shippers at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) are currently being exposed to radiation while manually testing the radiation level of outgoing shipping boxes. The boxes contain radioactive isotopes used in the development of radio...
Isolation and profiling of integral membrane proteins from developing Brassica napus [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
During seed development the concentration of starch, oil, and protein fluctuates. At the early stages of seed filling in oilseeds starch is the principal component. Oil (triacylglycerol) and protein concentrations do not ...
Partical retention of benzo(a)pyrene [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
The research being conducted is towards the goal of an increased understanding of the way the
carcinogen Benzo(a)pyrene is retained in different parts of the body, specifically the lung. Towards
this goal a PBPK model ...
Effects of a finite bias on the I-V characteristics of a unipolar spin diode [abstract]
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Office of Undergraduate Research, 2004)
We present an improved theory of the current-voltage characteristics of the unipolar spin diode, which takes into account the effect of the electric bias on the spin-flip probability near the domain wall junction. We show ...