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Health Literacy Missouri
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2006)
As approved by the Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) Board of Directors in 2006, Health Literacy Missouri (HLM) envisions a future in which the policies and practices of Missouri institutions and the public promote understanding of health...
Health literacy and Increased Health Care Costs
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2008)
Increased health literacy would decrease costs of health care....
Public Health
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2006-12)
Each year the United Health Foundation,
a private, non-profit foundation dedicated
to improving health outcomes and
promoting healthier communities, releases
“America's Health Rankings.” Each state is
evaluated on ...
Health Literacy and Patient Satisfaction
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2008)
This Fact Sheet outlines patient satisfaction with health care as associated with health literacy....
Health Literacy, Preventive Health Care, and Healthy Lifestyles
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2008)
Better health prevention requires patients to have adequate health literacy skills....
Is there a Relationship between Health Literacy and Health Disparities?
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2008)
Health disparities are differences that exist among specific population groups in the United States related to the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of disease, the burden of cancer, and related adverse health conditions. Disparities can occur...
Health Literacy
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2006-07)
Health literacy is “the ability of an individual to access, understand, and use
health-related information and services to
make appropriate health decisions.” For a
woman with diabetes, health literacy means
understanding ...
Health Literacy and Health Care Quality
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2008)
How health literacy affects the quality of health care....
Health Disparities
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2007)
In the Healthy People 2010 report, issued
by the Department of Health and Human
Services, health disparities are defined
as “all differences among populations in
measures of health and healthcare.” Racial
and ethnic ...
Missouri Children & Oral Health Care
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2007-11)
Oral health extends beyond a pretty
smile. Oral health is essential to maintaining overall health and quality of
life. Access to regular dental care is
recommended for all children to ensure
healthy growth. Improving ...
The uninsured in Missouri
(Center for Health Policy, University of Missouri - School of Medicine, 2003-05)
The uninsurance rate in Missouri has been
decreasing over the last decade, largely due to the implementation of the Missouri's Children's Health Insurance Plan (CHIP). This program expanded Medicaid services to many ...
Covering Missouri's Uninsured Children
(University of Missouri - Columbia Institute of Public Policy, 2008)
Missouri provides insurance for children through its Medicaid program, known as MO HealthNet and its version of the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, known as MO HealthNet for Kids. Research indicates that a significant...
Policy Options for Addressing Childhood Obesity in Missouri
(University of Missouri - Columbia Institute of Public Policy, 2008)
they have implications for children's quality of life today as well as for when these children become adults. There are, however, policy options to improve children's quality of life....
One health, one medicine
MU offers unmatched opportunities for collaboration in animal and human health. It is Missouri's major public research university with the state's only College of Veterinary Medicine; Colleges of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Engineering...
School Policies and Childhood Obesity
(University of Missouri - Columbia Institute of Public Policy, 2005)
Powerpoint presentation prepared for the Institute of Public Policy concerning school policies and childhood obesity in Missouri. Data representations include graphs, charts, tables, and maps....
Ethical Issues: Futility Policies
(Center for Health Ethics, 2005-03)
Futility, in general, is the inability to achieve an intended goal or outcome. Biomedical futility more specifically is a clinical judgment that, in light of the patient's current clinical circumstance, it is not physiologically ...
Where Do Overweight Children Live?
(University of Missouri - Columbia Institute of Public Policy., 2005)
for children. In
this brief, we describe adolescent outcomes at the state level. This brief represents a first step in a larger project that eventually assesses the links between state
policies and child health outcomes....
Food Insufficiency, Food Stamp Participation, and Mental Health
(University of Missouri - Columbia Institute of Public Policy, 2008)
Th is study examines the ways in which enrollment in the food stamp program affects the mental health status of enrollees. The results find that the negative mental health effects associated with food insufficiency
are higher among food stamp...
MU's Policy Institute Raises its Profile
(MU Alumni Association, University of Missouri, 2013)
"MU's Institute of Public Policy looks to build its reputation in Missouri's policy arena."...