Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Benefits of COOL to the Swine Industry
industry have that COOL will be a costly regulation with little or no benefit for their sector. It is not the purpose of this paper to enter into the discussion of how accurate and verifiable, and therefore how costly and burdensome, the COOL record keeping...
U.S. Pork Imports and Exports
The changes in U.S. pork trade in the past 20 years are quite impressive. U.S. pork exports have grown from 86 million pounds carcass weight equivalent in 1986 to 2.66 billion pounds in 2005. This paper discusses the changes in pork trade since 1986....
Economic Impact of U.S. Pork Trade, 1986-2006
The changes in U.S. pork trade in the past 21 years are quite impressive. U.S. pork exports have grown from 86 million pounds carcass weight equivalent in 1986 to 3 billion pounds in 2006. This paper discusses the changes in pork trade since 1986...
Economic Impact of U.S. Pork Trade, 1986-2008
The changes in U.S. pork trade in the past 23 years are quite impressive. U.S. pork exports have grown from 86 million pounds carcass weight equivalent in 1986 to 3.1 billion pounds in 2007. This paper discusses the changes in pork trade since 1986...
Economic Impact of U.S. Pork Trade, 1986-2007
The changes in U.S. pork trade in the past 22 years are quite impressive. U.S. pork exports have grown from 86 million pounds carcass weight equivalent in 1986 to 3.1 billion pounds in 2007. This paper discusses the changes in pork trade since 1986...
Analysis of USDA Mandatory Hog Price Data 2002-2006
The USDA Mandatory Price Reporting System's price data reports started in 2001 as part of the Livestock Reporting Act of 1999. This analysis summarizes reports for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006....
Analysis of USDA Mandatory Hog Price Data
hogs purchased by packers between midnight and midnight. These reports cover about 90% of the federally inspected hog slaughter. This analysis summarizes reports for 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005....
The Ethical Challenges Farming: A Report on Conversations with Missouri Corn and Soybean Producers
Interviews with Missouri corn and soybean farmers reveal what farmers consider are important ethical challenges in agriculture. In contrast to the literature, which characterizes ethical challenges in term of philosophical debates about soil...
Factors Affecting Wheat Proteins Premiums
This study used the Rosen methodology of deriving a marginal implicit price series of a characteristic from traditional first-stage hedonic modeling and then using this series to estimate a demand model for the characteristic ...
Are Hedonic Second-Stage Characteristic Demand Reflective of Actual Characteristic Demands?
Employing characteristic demand modeling theory to derive input characteristic values, we used these values to estimate characteristic demand models and compare results from this procedure (indirect) to characteristic ...
Trust in Scientists and Food Manufacturers, with Implications for the Public Support of Biotechnology
The purpose of this paper is to determine what factor affect trust in scientists and food manufacturers, and to examine how trust in these institutions affects public support for biotechnology. Data from the U.S. Biotechnology Study reveal...
The Ethics of Constrained Choice: How the Industrialization of Agriculture Impacts Farming and Farmer Behavior
The industrialization of agriculture not only alters the ways in which agricultural production occurs, but also impacts the decisions farmers make in important ways. First, constraints created by the economic environment of farming limit what...
Land Owner Characteristics and Perceptions in Northeast and Southeast Missouri: The Economic and Social Value of Flood Plain Agroforestry to Rural Development Projects
Agroforestry is a familiar land-use strategy in many areas of the tropics, where intensive management systems integrate trees, crops and livestock to maximize production on minimal acreage, mitigating the impacts of slash and burn agriculture...
Determinants of Beef and Pork Brand Equity
A set of consumer-level characteristic demand models were estimated to determine the level of brand equity for pork and beef meat cuts. Results indicate that brand premiums and discounts vary by private, national, and store ...
Does the World Need U.S. Farmers Even if Americans Don't?
that American consumers can import their food more cheaply from other countries than it can produce it. We consider the distinction between U.S. farmers and agriculture and the effect of the U.S. food footprint on developing nations to argue there might...
Are Happy People Ethical People? Evidence from North America and Europe
We examine empirically the relationship between happiness and the ethical decisions of individuals. We use data from the 1995-97 wave of the World Values Survey (WVS) to test the hypothesis that the relationship between ...
Asymmetric Information in Cattle Auction: The Problem of Revaccinations
The paper analyzes the problem of asymmetric information between buyers and sellers in cattle auctions. An illustration is made regarding the vaccinations that the animals receive. Buyers do not know and cannot verify if sellers have vaccinated...
Perceived Economic Pressures and Farmer Ethics
We consider the effect of perceived economic pressures on the ethical attitudes of farmers. We hypothesize that an increase in the economic pressures a farmer faces could result in that farmer being more tolerant of unethical conduct than farmers...
Production and Marketing Characteristics of U.S. Pork Producers - 2003
Bertold Brecht once said, “Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.” Because things in the U.S. pork industry never seem to “stay the way they are,” researchers at the University of ...
U.S. Hog Marketing Contract Study
The January 2009 data for hog marketing arrangements or marketing contracts in the USDA Mandatory Price Reporting (MPR) system was summarized for this report. However, participation in the reporting system was voluntary ...