Now showing items 1-20 of 47
How to can fresh tomato products
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Please refer to MU Extension publications GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics, and GH1452, Steps to Successful Home Canning, for information on correct canning procedures. Select only firm, disease-free fruit for canning; vine-ripened varieties...
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
of food, they can produce a poisonous toxin. Even a taste of food containing this toxin can be fatal. Please refer to MU Extension publications GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics, and GH1452, Steps for Successful Home Canning, for information on correct...
Freezing meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Freezing is an excellent method of preserving animal products. Follow these basic guidelines to make freezing simple and effective."--First page.
Safe home canning basics
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Canning is an important, safe method of food preservation, if research-based recommendations are followed carefully. This guide provides an overview of the canning process, product acidity, and safety basics for preventing ...
Freezing meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Freezing is an excellent method of preserving animal products. Follow these basic guidelines to make freezing simple and effective."--First page.
Introduction to food dehydration
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of food preservation, though methods for drying food have become sophisticated over time. For many people, dehydrating food at home is a convenient way to preserve foods."--First page.
How to can fresh vegetables
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
Extension publications GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics, and GH1452, Steps for Successful Home Canning, for information on correct canning procedures and the steps to follow in pressure canning."--First page....
How to freeze fruits
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Frozen foods can add variety to your meals year-round. As with any method of food preservation, following specific guidelines will assure you of high-quality, safe food. Refer to MU Extension publication GH1501, Freezing Basics, for detailed...
How to dehydrate foods
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
MU Extension publication GH1562, Introduction to Food Dehydration."--First page....
How to freeze home-prepared foods
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
An informational article about how to properly and safely freeze home-prepared foods.
Freezing basics
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Freezing is one of the easiest and least time-consuming methods of food precooked frozen foods long enough at a high enough temperature after thawing, preservation. Most foods retain their natural color, and flavor better ...
How to can pickled products
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
in a boiling-water or steam canner to prevent these problems and to ensure that your products are safe.Processing times and procedures will vary according to food acidity and the size of food pieces. Please refer to MU Extension publications GH1451...
How to can sweet spreads
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, marmalades and fruit butters are similar products. All are made from fruit, preserved by sugar and thickened or gelled to some extent. Please refer to MU Extension publications GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics...
How to can fresh fruit
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
"Fruits are highly acidic, so you may safely can them using a boiling water or steam canner. Before canning fruit, please refer to MU Extension publications GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics, and GH1452, Steps for Successful Home Canning...
Steps for successful home canning
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2021)
. If you are new to canning (or need a refresher) please begin with MU Extension publication GH1451, Safe Home Canning Basics, to learn about preventing botulism and other key issues to be aware of when preserving food by home canning."--First page....
Spring establishment of tall fescue utilizing sunn hemp as a companion crop under rotational grazing management
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)
[EMBARGOED UNTIL 12/01/2024] Tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.) is the predominant perennial cool season grass used for forage in Missouri. It demonstrates a bi-modal seasonal yield distribution with forage production periods...
Dry milling characteristics and polyphenolic contents of adapted colored corn varieties and polyphenol extraction by combining deep eutectic solvents and ultrasound
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)
breeding program at the University of Missouri and their milling coproducts were ascertained and compared with a commercial purple corn. With mean large grits yield of 22.98 percent (db), colored varieties had a dominant softer endosperm composition...
Solutions for better living : cooking fourth edition
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2023)
Healthy cooking and eating is important to everyone's health and wellbeing. This magazine covers various health and nutrition topics with an emphasis on healthy cooking. Topics include food safety, savvy shopping and cooking ...
The role of RECK in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)
Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs, or RECK, is a cell surface-anchored glycoprotein and a critical regulator of the extracellular matrix (ECM). It has been examined extensively as an anti-metastatic peptide in the field...
Function and evolution of the crocodyliform feeding apparatus
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)
The evolution of crocodylians from their suchian ancestors represents one of the great transformations in vertebrate evolution. Modern crocodylians have flat skulls and generate high forces during feeding, but crocodylian ...