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Items matching your query
Integrating hydrology and geophysics into a traditional geology field course: The use of advanced project options
(Geological Society of America, 2009)
The incorporation of increasingly multidisciplinary aspects of geoscience curricula into a traditional geology field camp requires compromises. Among these, decisions about projects to reduce or eliminate and course prerequisites are two of the most...
Structural geology and contact metamorphism along the northwestern thermal aureole of the Laramie anorthosite complex, Central Laramie Mountains, Wyoming
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
geologic mapping, analysis of features and fabrics produced during the two Paleoproterozoic events (D2 and D3), and analysis of D2-D3 reorientation into the contact strain aureole of two late granitic components of the LAC, the Sybille intrusion (SI...
An analysis of journals used in research in geomorphology
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1974)
Structural analysis of basin margin laramide folding and fault reactivation in the south-central Wind River Basin, Schoettlin Mountain quadrangle, Fremont County, Wyoming
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
. Geologic mapping of the southernmost, up-plunge end of these basin-margin fold structures shows the region to be divided into two structurally distinct zones: a northern zone containing Sheep Mountain anticline (ShMA) and a southern zone containing...
Present-day and late Quaternary crustal deformation along the southern Dead Sea Fault System, Jordan
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
strike, ranging from 9 ± 3 km and 16 ± 6 km along the Wadi Araba and Jordan Valley faults, respectively. Previously published geologic slip rates range from 2-20 mm/yr. For a more robust comparison of short-term and long-term slip rates, this study re...
Laramide stress conditions and deformation mechanisms during the formation of Hudson and Dallas Domes, Lander Quadrangle, Wind River Mountains, Lander, Wyoming
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008)
of the Wind River Mountains. The study involved geologic mapping of surface deformation, collecting and analyzing fault and fracture orientation data, and deducing the folds deformation geometry, folding mechanisms, and associated stresses. Mapping and well...
Mechanisms for the formation of spiraled inclusion trails in garnet porphyroblasts from the Precambrian core of the Laramie Mountains, southeastern Wyoming
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
Relationships between deformation fabrics and porphyroblasts have been used to evaluate the metamorphic and deformational histories of mountain belts. However, some porphyroblast-fabric relationships, such as those of ...
A study of Quaternary active tectonics
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2012)
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] This study presents first results on the topographic survey and shallow seismic reflection profile to assess Quaternary faulting in the northwestern ...
Evaluation of the geologic CO[subscript 2]sequestration potential of the Morrow B sandstone in the Farnsworth, Texas hydrocarbon field using reactive transport modeling
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2017)
The objectives of this research were to examine the long term fate of CO[subscript 2] injected into the Morrow B Sandstone, a hydrocarbon reservoir in the Farnsworth Unit in northern Texas. A suite of numerical multiphase ...
Midwestern climate records from tree ring [delta]¹³C and [delta]¹⁸O values
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2009)
A 504-year tree ring carbon isotopic time series was generated using samples from living and subfossil white oak trees from northern Missouri. Over the interval from 1931-2002 [delta]¹³C is significantly correlated with ...
Hydrology of the Forest City Basin, mid-continent, USA : implications for CO2 sequestration in the St. Peter sandstone
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2012)
The purpose of this research was to perform a preliminary assessment of the stratigraphy, storage capacity, hydrology and mineraology of this basin to determine its suitability and structural trapping capacity for geologic sequestration of carbon...
Late-stage N-S shortening and fold offset during Laramide deformation along the southeastern margin of the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2011)
in the northern and southern terminations of SMA. Results from geologic mapping and structural analysis of deformation features in the northern closure of SMA, balanced cross-sections, fracture analysis, and a 2-D seismic reflection and refraction experiment...
Geochemistry and reaction path modeling of the Beowawe hydrothermal system, Nevada : a barren end-member epithermal system
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
The Beowawe geothermal area is manifested by numerous hot springs, fumaroles, and before the installation of an electric power plant, spectacular geysers. Beowawe also bears many geologic similarities to ancient epithermal gold-silver ore deposits...
Composition of magmatic fluids in the Harney Peak granite, Black Hills, South Dakota
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
Fluid inclusions are potential trapped samples of magmatic fluids, and they therefore provide a way to directly measure the composition of magmatic fluids. Understanding the composition of magmatic fluids is important ...
Effect of increasing trimethylamine and organic matter concentration on stable carbon isotopes of methane produced in hypersaline, substrate limited environments
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
Substrate limitation has been proposed as an explanation for 13C enriched methane production from endoevaporite microbial communities in hypersaline environments. To test this possibility, methane production rates and ...
Geochemical studies of gold mineralizing events in the Discovery-Ormsby and Clan Lake areas of the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories, Canada
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2013)
Metavolcanic rocks of the mafic Discovery-Ormsby area and the intermediate to felsic Clan Lake area are sites of active gold exploration in the north end of the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt (YGB), Northwest Territories, ...
Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of mafic rocks in the Precambrian core of the Black Hills, South Dakota
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
, the geologic setting and tectonic events that occurred prior to the collision are still enigmatic. In this investigation major and trace element ICP-OES and INAA data of four suites of amphibolites were used to define at least two distinct tectonic settings...
Analysis of quaternary faults and associated deformation of sedimentary basin fill : inner continental borderland of southern California
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2012)
-penetration industry multi-channel seismic reflection data (MCS) as well as high resolution U.S. Geological Survey MCS, indicates that many of the offshore faults are more geometrically continuous than previously reported including Newport-Inglewood (NI)-San Mateo...
Composition of fluid inclusions from the cave-in-rock bedded-replacement fluorite deposits in the Illinois-Kentucky district
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2011)
The stable mid-continent platform of North America hosts some of the greatest known concentrations of Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) mineralization in the world. Most of the mineralization occurs between two major physiographic ...