Now showing items 1-20 of 514
Should we discontinue Pap smear screening in women aged >65 years?
(Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2004)
Women with a history of regular, normal Pap smear screening should discontinue screening by age 65 years (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B). Women without a history of serial normal Pap smears should continue screening ...
Representation of Hispanic culture in Delta's Sky magazine
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)
was examined for the presence of five stereotypes realized in prior research: family, soccer, ethnic pride, experience with discrimination, and spirituality. The study found that all five stereotypes were discussed in the articles, but the results did...
Wellness Promotion in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2017)
practices. Outcomes were measured using the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLPII) in a pre- posttest format to assess the adoption level of healthy lifestyle behaviors. HPLPII pre- posttest total scores (3.22 and 3.10), and subscale scores were...
Promoting parent-child secure attachment bonds in adoptive families through community-based family music groups: a heuristic grounded theory study
adoptive family included at least one parent and at least one adopted child under three and one-half years old: siblings also participated. Data sources included three parental interviews, eight-weeks of parental journaling, and an eight-week Kindermusik...
Three essays on labor economics
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)
at the added worker effect in the great recession, the wife's labor market response to a husband loss of job. The second chapter investigates the impact of a wife's labor market participation on family poverty. The third chapter examines employment...
Factors that lead to principal retention: an arts-based narrative inquiry
Building principals are more than the face of the school. School administrators spend
their time guiding teachers and students, collaborating with parents, establishing a
responsive culture, and navigating accountability ...
The influence of media on implicit weight bias
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012-04-16)
The purpose of this dissertation is to determine if exposure to media that exhibits weight bias increases implicit anti-fat attitudes using an objective assessment of emotional response to obesity cues. Participants completed ...
Navigating cultural crossroads : a family-centered approach of studying acculturative stress and career identity among Filipino and Korean American youth
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)
stressors. Using a large-scale survey dataset from the Midwest Longitudinal Study of Asian American Families (MLSAAF) project, I conducted latent profile analyses to determine whether there were distinct parent-youth acculturative profiles among Filipino...
Youth agripreneurship development in Benin : lessons for scaling up from Songhai Center agripreneurs
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2023)
, and how it contributes to strengthening the livelihoods of small producers. Survey data collected via face-to-face interviews from January to April 2023 was used in this study to characterize youths after their graduation from Songhai Center and identify...
Principal and teacher beliefs and knowledge regarding grade retention : a case study
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
school district was found to be a widely accepted practice among teachers. Principals did not agree with the practice of grade retention, but did not rule out the use of retention, especially in the primary grades. Principals and teachers possessed very...
Measuring the quality of informal home-based care programs
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2006)
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] Informal child care has a long history and remains a popular choice for many parents, especially parents with infants and toddlers and families with low-incomes. As researchers...
Hospital discharge destination decisions : exploring congruence in frail elders, their family members, and health care teams' decisions
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
This study used a mixed method design to explore congruence about the discharge destination decision of hospitalized frail older adults, their family members, and health care team members (HCTM). There was no common pattern of preferred level...
Teachers' perspectives on their professional learning environment and the relationship to growth in student achievement
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2009)
to examine relationships between best practices in teacher learning communities and professional development and growth in student achievement. The teacher and achievement data are from a representative sample of Missouri elementary and middle schools...
CHamorus' Narratives and Perceptions of Historical Trauma and Contemporary Health in Guam
beliefs, practices, and outcomes risk going unrecognized and their health needs misunderstood. The purpose of the study was to provide a basis for more Indigenous-centered and historical trauma-informed nursing and other health care for CHamorus. The study...
Faculty burnout and its relationship to social and institutional support
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
The purpose of this sequential explanatory study was to determine if there was a relationship between faculty burnout, social support, institutional support, or salary, as well as establish if any college at a regional ...
Use of main channel and shallow-water habitat by larval fishes in the lower Missouri River
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2006)
I developed a series of research objectives organized in a spatial hierarchy to characterize larval fish nursery habitat within the lower Missouri River. Native carpsucker spp./buffalo spp. (Carpiodes spp./Ictiobus spp.) ...
The battle within : a mixed methods exploration into political journalism and role strain
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2018)
construction of roles by examining the journalists' sensemaking process surrounding role strain. This study begins to bridge the gap between ideal roles and practice by providing an exploratory examination into the role enactment process....
A qualitative study of factual correction requests for corporate reputation management
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2014)
Data as medium : quality control in data journalism practice
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI--COLUMBIA AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] Data is the medium of data journalism. As such, professional practitioners treat data as a communication process and storytelling form. This pragmatic, relational...
Agroforestry buffer, biomass crop, and grain crop effects on soil quality and soil water use
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
and environmental challenges. Restoration of degraded soils by the adoption of recommended perennial vegetative management systems can rehabilitate watersheds and lead to enhancing soil health. Sustainable management practices such as trees, grasses, biomass crops...