Now showing items 1-20 of 825
How effective are hypertension self-care interventions?
(Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2007)
Simplification of the dosing regimen (eg, once-daily instead of multiple dosing) improves patients' adherence to anti- hypertensive medications (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on a high- quality systematic ...
An examination of musical instrument practice among collegiate musicians
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)
This dissertation consists of three projects that were designed to investigate collegiate instrumentalists' practice habits and motivation orientations. The first investigation was a review of the literature about instrumental practice strategies...
Economic considerations of the effects of sire and length of feeding on beef steers and carcasses
(University of Missouri--Columbia, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1969)
Impact of Nurse Practitioner Practice Regulation on Access to Healthcare Services
Nurse practitioner (NP) practice regulations vary from state to state across the United States. Despite strong evidence supporting the quality of care and satisfaction with care provided by NPs, restrictive regulations continue to limit the practice...
Communicating distrust for survival : understanding racial socialization messages in Black families
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
Racial socialization has only just begun to be studied by family communication scholars. This study created and validated a racial socialization scale rooted in communication and demonstrated the endurance of racial socialization into adulthood...
The effect of parenting stress on children's cognitive development: examining the variables of sex and race/ethnic origin
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
Little research has focused on children's age, sex, and race/ethnicity as variables that may moderate the relations between parenting stress and children's cognitive development. Using Bronfenbrenner's (1986) bioecological ...
Human resource management practices and organizational commitment and intention to leave: the mediating role of perceived organizational support and psychological contracts
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of HRM practices as a critical tool to make the employees more committed to their organization which in turn would affect employee intention to stay or leave the organization. The objective...
Effect of Patient Antibiotic Education on Provider Perceived Patient Expectation for Antibiotics
Antibiotic resistance is a global concern that costs the world thousands of lives and the United
States billions of dollars annually in healthcare expenditures and missed work. One reason that
providers prescribe ...
Embodying an ethic of empathy : journalism's intersection with victims' families, survivors, and community members impacted by the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
[EMBARGOED UNTIL 08/01/2025] This dissertation explores the interactions that victims' families, survivors, and members of the community have with journalists after mass shootings that thrust private citizens into [EMBARGOED UNTIL 08/01/2025] Two...
A qualitative analysis of elementary teachers' perceptions about the impact of the IPI process on classroom practices
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2010)
The Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) process is a way to collect information to accurately measure student-engaged learning from various instructional practices in order to improve student achievement and direct classroom instruction...
Social, economic, and homemaking factors in farm living
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1930)
The status of artists in Kansas City : February 2008 draft report
(KCResearch, 2008-02)
have the opportunity to raise families, buy houses and participate as fully-invested members of the community to a degree that they may not be be able to elsewhere....
Secondary benefits of family member participation in treatments for childhood disorders : a multilevel meta-analysis
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA AT REQUEST OF AUTHOR.] Family-based treatments for children with mental health, physical health, and developmental disorders often convey secondary benefits to caregivers and siblings who...
Wealth accumulation differences between wage-earning and entrepreneurial families : the role of active saving behavior
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008)
This study examines the causal relationship between entrepreneurship and wealth accumulation. Saving behavior is a potential source of family wealth differentials. It is proposed that entrepreneurial families exhibit more accelerated active saving...
Factors influencing non-music majors' decisions to participate in collegiate bands
. Participants (N = 2,933) were students enrolled at 95 colleges and universities from 37 states. The majority (56%) were enrolled in more than one type of band. Results from the open-ended response revealed that an overall love/enjoyment for music...
Health service patterns in rural and urban areas : a test between availability and use
(University of Missouri--Columbia, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972)
Making space to connect : examining macroeconomic factors, cash assistance, and romantic relationship functioning in low-income contexts
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2024)
Families) provide cash assistance to families with low incomes. The amount of funds provided to families varies by state, affording opportunities to test whether generous cash assistance policies benefit individual and relational wellbeing. Using data from...
The Relationship Between In-Service Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-efficacy and Outcome Expectancy Beliefs, Instructional Practices (CLASS), and Student Outcomes in the Urban School Setting
Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs have emerged as constructs to investigate pre-service teacher preparedness for teaching children who represent culturally, ethnically, economically, ...
Black families as embodied policy : politics of dignity transforming colonized policy procedures
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2018)
families by devaluing families' actual contributions to their children's schooling (Boncana & Lopez, 2010). In conceptualizing the educational violence experienced by the families as a Westernized colonial power, a postcolonial approach (Anzaldua, 2007...
Hospital discharge destination decisions : exploring congruence in frail elders, their family members, and health care teams' decisions
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2007)
This study used a mixed method design to explore congruence about the discharge destination decision of hospitalized frail older adults, their family members, and health care team members (HCTM). There was no common pattern of preferred level...