Now showing items 1-20 of 1088
Catalog : eighty-second report of the curators of the governor of the state, 1923-1924; Announcements, 1924-1925
(University of Missouri, 1924)
School of Medicine : announcement 1924-25
(University of Missouri, 1924)
Television news practices in Missouri
(University of Missouri, 1955)
The University of Missouri [photographs]
(University of Missouri, 1905)
Design of low-frequency constant time delay lines
(University of Missouri, 1953)
Discussion of an Article by G. S. Ramaswamy and M. Ramaiah : characteristics equation of cylindrical shells : a simplified method of solution
(University of Missouri, 1963)
the need for operating with complex numbers."--Page 1505....
Application of the principle of corresponding states for polar substances
(University of Missouri, 1961)
The design of a single-layer microwave absorbing material
(University of Missouri, 1959)
The microwave absorbing structure considered here consists of a homogeneous lossy dielectric material backed by a good conductor. Some previous work has been done on obtaining the electric and magnetic parameters of a ...
Characteristics of flow in trapezoidal and triangular irrigation furrows
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1964)
The impedance of a coil placed on a conducting plane
(University of Missouri, 1963)
"Probe coils are useful in determining the properties of metals on which the coil is placed. An analysis and an equivalent circuit of the coil on a metal surface are needed and are presented here. The coil was assumed to ...
Compensation of sampled-data systems
(University of Missouri, 1958)
not adequately cover such compensation. This paper examines the above situation using z-transform theory and continuous network realizability conditions. Lack of a general correlation between the number of z-plane and s-plane zeros presents the major problem...
Influence lines for horizontally curved fixed-end beams of circular-arc plan
(University of Missouri, 1947)
"The objects of this investigation are: [1] to provide a means for computing the influence line ordinates for moments and shears in the case of horizontally curved fixed-end beams of circular-arc plan, [2] to present such ...
Resistance of hay to air flow
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1964)
Plant analysis
(University of Missouri-Columbia, 1970)
A study of the effects of paced audio-rhythm on repetitive motion
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)
The study described was propounded to determine if it is possible to provide a biophysical driving force that will stimulate the operator in repetitive tasks to work at a rhythm that is comfortable, yet more productive ...
Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 2006-11
(University of Missouri--Columbia. Extension Division, 2006)
Factors involved in buying Missouri cream
(University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1930)
A library primer for Missouri high schools
(University of Missouri, 1915)
Supplemental irrigation for Missouri and regions of similar rainfall
(University of Missouri, 1945)
"It is the purpose of this bulletin to summarize the possibilities of supplemental irrigation for Missouri and regions of similar rainfall, to adapt successful practices elsewhere to Missouri conditions, to warn against pitfalls, and to provide a...
The electronic position indicator
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1965)
The Electronic Position Indicator is a radar-like device for the study of hand motions. First, a rederivation of the theory is presented to show its application to this situation. Then, the accuracy of the positional ...