Now showing items 1-20 of 577
Ternary system ethyl alcohol--n--heptane-water at 30 [degrees] CThe rectifying property of polarized barium titanate
(University of Missouri, 1955)
Dewatering rates for digested sludge in lagoons
(University of Missouri, 1960)
"Digested sludge lagoons were originally considered temporary sludge storage devices; however, it was found that with prolonged storage a lagoon became an effective drying unit. Since they provide one of the more economical ...
A synthesis procedure for sampled-data systems
(University of Missouri, 1956)
This paper proposes a direct synthesis procedure for the design of sampled-data systems using the z-transformation method. This procedure can be summarized as follows: 1. By methods set forth in the literature the pole-zero ...
An evaluation of the overhead projector in teaching kinematics
(University of Missouri, 1961)
"The overhead projector has been used as a teaching aid for several years, in elementary education and in engineering drawing. No use of an overhead projector in kinematics has been reported, nor has there been a statistical evaluation of its...
Additions to z-transformation theory for sample-data systems
(University of Missouri, 1955)
Thermodynamic properties of n-propyl alcohol
(University of Missouri, 1961)
Additions to sample data theory
(University of Missouri, 1955)
"In the current literature, two different approaches to sampled-data theory prevail. One approach emphasizes the z-transformation methods for design and synthesis. The other approach emphasizes the Laplace transformation ...
Static modulus of elasticity of concrete as affected by density
(University of Missouri, 1960)
"The elastic modulus of concrete is an important parameter in reinforced concrete design and analysis. With the increased use of lightweight aggregates for structural concrete a better understanding of the relationship ...
Steady-state waves on transmission lines
(University of Missouri, 1951)
Network analyzer measurement of the mesh equivalent of a complex circuit
(University of Missouri, 1959)
Methods of measuring electric fields
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)
"To determine the potential of a spacecraft, an electric field meter is needed to measure the field at the surface and in the neighborhood of the craft. A search was made for field measuring methods which would not involve ...
Transfer of load between precast bride slabs
(University of Missouri, 1961)
"This paper presents the procedures used and the results obtained in a series of static load tests designed to study the mechanism of load transfer between adjacent precast bridge-slab sections. These tests were undertaken as one phase of a general...
Measuring equivalent circuits
(University of Missouri, 1960)
"The equivalent circuit is a familiar tool to power system engineers. Today's large interconnected power systems often are studied as electric networks in which part of the network is a simplified equivalent of the actual system. Such equivalents...
Equivalent load method for analyzing prestressed concrete structures
(University of Missouri, 1952)
"A method is presented for post-tensioned reinforced concrete structures whereby the effect of cable tension can be expressed as a distributed or concentrated load. The analysis thus becomes a simple matter of applying ...
Application of the principle of corresponding states for polar substances
(University of Missouri, 1961)
The mutual impedance of perpendicular half-wave antennas
(University of Missouri, 1960)
The mutual impedance of two coupled linear antennas is needed to obtain the radiation impedance of an array of linear antennas and to determine the effect of one antenna upon a neighboring antenna, for example, the effect ...
The impedance of a coil placed on a conducting plane
(University of Missouri, 1963)
"Probe coils are useful in determining the properties of metals on which the coil is placed. An analysis and an equivalent circuit of the coil on a metal surface are needed and are presented here. The coil was assumed to ...
A study of the effects of paced audio-rhythm on repetitive motion
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1966)
The study described was propounded to determine if it is possible to provide a biophysical driving force that will stimulate the operator in repetitive tasks to work at a rhythm that is comfortable, yet more productive ...
Viscosity of suspensions of spherical and other isodimensional particles in liquids
(University of Missouri, 1958)
"The viscosity of a suspension is related to the properties of the suspending liquid and the suspended particles by measuring the viscosity of suspensions made up of closely sized materials such as glass spheres, plastic ...