Now showing items 1-3 of 3
You Can Play, but Can You be Yourself: How LGBT and Non-LGBT Student-Athletes Perceive the Climate of NCAA Division I Athletic Departments
In recent years, the American public has offered growing acceptance of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities, as evidenced by the legalization of same sex
marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015), the ...
Balanced Calendar versus Traditional Calendar: Measuring the Difference in Reading Academic Achievement among Kindergarten through Third-Grade Students Who Have Been Identified as Reading Below or Well-Below Grade Level
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2018)
School accountability is increasing with federal mandates. As public schools investigate
strategies to raise students’ achievement scores and graduation rates, some have implemented a
modified school calendar. Schools ...
Teacher Reported Preparedness: A Study of One Midwest Metropolitan School District
The ultimate purpose of school lies in the success and achievement of its students. Therefore, efforts must be made to continuously improve achievement for every student. What the teacher knows and can do in the classroom ...