Now showing items 14171-14190 of 52828

    Evaluation of a steel sheet system for blast retrofit under static pressure [abstract] [2]
    The evaluation of a synthetic material for use as a wave protection agent on irrigation dams [1]
    Evaluation of a tier 2 internalizing intervention : the resilience education program [1]
    Evaluation of a tranfected HEK293 cell line overexpressing the gc-c receptor [abstract] [1]
    Evaluation of abciximab use in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervnetion [1]
    Evaluation of acute coronary syndrome risk by hospitalists to expedite discharge of low risk patients [1]
    Evaluation of agricultural reactivation on abandoned lands in Poland [1]
    Evaluation of agrochemical interactions and application timings in corn and soybean [1]
    Evaluation of alternative resistance mechanisms for progressive collapse [1]
    Evaluation of an autonomous truck mounted attenuator system in work zones [1]
    An evaluation of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) based system to characterize and correlate physician burnout and EMR use [1]
    Evaluation of an interpretation bias modification program targeting internalizing symptoms in secondary school students [1]
    Evaluation of an on-site sewage disposal system at the Lake of the Ozarks [1]
    Evaluation of Antibiotic Management in the Reduction of Recurrent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Exacerbations [1]
    Evaluation of Apparent Life-Threatening Events in Infants [1]
    Evaluation of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation [1]
    Evaluation of autoimmune disease as a risk factor for lymphoma [1]
    Evaluation of bioelectrochemical systems for wastewater treatment and sludge digestion [1]
    Evaluation of Bivalirudin in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [1]
    Evaluation of brewers' dried grains in cattle diets [1]