Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    Backdating Stock Options: A Primer in Social Irresponsibility [1]
    Bayesian Model Averaging application on Energy consumption model In Saudi Arabia [1]
    Both P-gp and MRP2 mediate transport of Lopinavir, a protease inhibitor [1]
    Classical liberalism of Rerum Novarum : the Vatican's tactic to survive the modern era [1]
    Critical Realism and the Biographical Film Project [1]
    The Dirty South: LatinX Art in the United States [1]
    Diverse Struggles to Preserve Tribal Identity on the Plains: Religion as Survival Strategy in the Late Nineteenth Century among the Lakota and Osage [1]
    Dry as a Cuckoo: The Changing Perceptions on Erik Satie [1]
    Empathy, Symbolism, and Synchresis in Under the Skin (2013): How Mica Levi’s Score Shapes the Narrative [1]
    Factors Associated with Social Justice Beliefs among Undergraduate College Students [1]
    Fascism on the Plains in "Capital City" [1]
    Gardiner C. Means and the 1980s Shareholders' Attempted Revolution [1]
    The Glorious Revolution, Economic Institutions and the Developing World [1]
    Goethe's Plant Morphology: The Seeds of Evolution [1]
    Grammar Teaching Challenges and Strategies for Refugees [1]
    Harry Potter and the Hero Journey of Draco Malfoy [1]
    Heterodox Microfoundations: A Methodological Appraisal [1]
    Heteronormativity as a Rhetorical Tool to Reclaim Public Spaces and Engage in Community Building: A Study of The Ladder and Mattachine Review [1]
    Hot or Not: The Effects of Social Status on Attraction among Male and Female Students [1]
    “I Cannot Rule Myself” The Pitfalls of Sensibility in Mary Shelley's The Last Man [1]