The Lamb
The Lamb is a feature length screenplay about a teenage boy named Eddie Bluth who lives with his mother Janie Flores in a small Missouri town. He often visits his father Bobby Bluth who lives nearby and runs a small-time criminal enterprise. Eddie is torn between impressing his father by dabbling in crime and being the good kid his mother want him to be. One day, Eddie goes with his father on what seems to be a standard drug pickup but turns out to be an impromptu heist that ends in bloodshed. When Eddie overhears his father and his gang discussing his fate, he realizes his dad might kill him, so he runs to Janie who immediately takes him on the road. Bobby gives chase, as do the police, but Janie manages to stay ahead of them all and get to a family member in Denver who can help them escape to Mexico. But when Bobby and the Police finally figure out where Janie and Eddie are, they converge, resulting in a harrowing chase and an uneasy family reunion where Bobby takes them prisoner, attaching himself to their border crossing plan. In the end, Eddie has to come to terms with how evil his father is and throws him from a moving car, allowing him and his mother to escape.
Table of Contents
Abstract -- Approval page -- A critical introduction to The lamb -- The lamb
M.F..A. (Master of Fine Arts)