Political Science Electronic Theses and Dissertations (UMKC)
The items in this collection are the theses and dissertations written by students of the Department of Political Science. Some items may be viewed only by members of the University of Missouri System and/or University of Missouri-Kansas City. Click on one of the browse buttons above for a complete listing of the works.
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Recent Submissions
Whatever you can do is the best thing: insights into how youth in personalized learning environments perceive civic engagement
(2024)An engaged and active citizenry is essential to a functional democracy. Historically, the purpose of public schools has been to prepare young people with the knowledge and skills to be civically engaged. However, the civic ... -
Social power in public-private partnerships: shifting sands make an unstable foundation
(2021)This case study examines stakeholder salience and social power in the pre-solicitation phase of a public-private partnership. Public bodies are increasingly exploring public-private partnerships to address high-cost, ... -
The Effect of Participatory Budgeting on the Provisioning Process
(University of Missouri -- Kansas City, 2018)The hypothesis of this dissertation is that as more of us become actively engaged in deliberations concerning local economic/political issues, the happier, more tolerant, and more understanding we can become. This is a ... -
Narrative as a Critical Component for Violent Weaker Actor Success
(2020)Conflicts exist within a narrative about a society, a government, and the people’s place within it that they use to make sense of their world. Since 1945, conventionally weaker military actors have had increasing success ... -
Francis A. Schaeffer : the force behind the evangelical takeover of the Republican Party in America
(2013)Over the last 40 years or so, Americans have been involved in a religious/political struggle that has divided the nation. The struggle has impacted American government, culture, the economy, and international relations. ... -
Collateral damage: anti-communism & U.S. cultural policy
(2014-07-28)The United States of America has never formally declared a cultural policy nor established a Cabinet-level department of cultural affairs, as many other nations have in the post-World War II era--depriving the American ... -
Presidential illness and disability: the health and performance of presidents from 1789-1901
(2014-07-09)Presidential health and performance has been a subject of study by both political scientists and historians, many of whom have examined the health of our nation's presidents. This study of presidential history is not new. ... -
Evaluating the impact of PerformanceStat: a case study of the City of Baltimore's CitiStat Program
(2013)How to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector has been a priority for decades. This case study examined a management approach to improving public-sector performance called PerformanceStat. ... -
Rendering assistance to best advantage: the development of women's activism in Kansas City, 1870 to World War I
(2013)This study examines the rise of women's activism in Kansas City between the opening of the Hannibal railroad bridge in 1869 and World War I. Women's efforts over the course of nearly 50 years to emerge from the domestic ... -
The influence and implications of national culture on entrepreneurial activity : a contrastive investigation of Sweden and the United States
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012-08-17)In recent years, both academic scholars and policy makers have embraced the notion of the entrepreneurial economy. While no country completely lacks entrepreneurial activity there are major differences in the level of ... -
The changing paradigm of state sovereignty In the international system
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012-06-15)The system of state relations in the international system was established at the end of the Forty Years War, which culminated in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The treaty was based on sovereignty, which is rooted in the ... -
Does politics stop at the water's edge? The state as a unitary actor in international relations and the effect of presidential transitions on selected foreign policy behaviors
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012-05-25)Structural realists argue the nation-state is a unitary actor that conducts foreign policy without regard to domestic politics. Anarchy, the lack of any controlling authority, is the dominant fact of life for states ... -
From Dachau to the dugout: Black America's diamond-lined response to racism
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012-01-20)Racism remains one of the greatest scourges upon humanity through the ages. History has recorded its cruelty and the devastating effects it has unleashed upon many groups of people across the globe. Within these pages there ... -
Cleared to land in the desert: commercial air travel's role in the growth and development of Las Vegas as a world-class travel destination
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2011-08-04)This study provides a history of commercial aviation in Las Vegas, focusing on the powerful influence commercial air travel had with the financial help of the federal government on Las Vegas‟s growth and development as ... -
Just war, legitimate authority and non-State actors
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2011-06-08)In the classical just war tradition, legitimate authority is central to the just use of force. This tradition is consistent with the argument, as posited by Augustine and Aquinas, that legitimate authority is the guiding ... -
Promoting ethical behavior among local government employees: the roles of ethical leadership, ethics codes, training, and audits
(University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2011-06-03)The purpose of this research was to learn the impact that ethics codes, ethics training, and audits have in promoting ethical behavior among local government employees. The research began with a survey of city auditors and ...