Now showing items 42-61 of 287

    Characterization of pigment-protein complexes in the cyanobacterium Anacystis Nidulans R2 [1]
    Characterization of the relationship between radiographic grading and biomarkers in patients with knee osteoarthritis [1]
    The characterization of the tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 in mammals [1]
    Characterizing a model of early human placenta [1]
    Characterizing territoriality and the mechanisms that mediate it in female Anolis gundlachi lizards [1]
    Chromatin-level regulation of the maize purple plant1 gene [1]
    Collective offspring-parent signaling in a social treehopper : mechanisms, patterns and function [1]
    Communication about predation risk between parents and offspring groups in treehoppers [1]
    Complex life-histories and biogeochemical cycles : interactions between amphibian life-history strategies and elemental cycling [1]
    Conservation and ecology of breeding landbirds in a riparian restoration context [1]
    Conservation genetics of conflict in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus [1]
    Coordinated communication: an analysis of signal and preference phenotypes in the genus Hyla [1]
    Coregulation of Ion Channel Conductances Preserves Output in a Computational Model of a Crustacean Cardiac Motor Neuron [1]
    Coupling, membrane conductance, and ion channel mRNA profiles in the establishment and maintenance of network activity in the crustacean cardiac ganglion [1]
    Curcumin regulates transcription in Dictyostelium discoideum [1]
    Determining the mechanism of NF C-terminal mediated radial growth of myelinated axons [1]
    Developing tools for making inferences from genomic data [1]
    Development of an amenable system for site-specific addition to a maize chromosome [1]
    Developmental Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans [1]
    Developmental programming by xenoestrogens [1]