Now showing items 10-29 of 287

    Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans rpc-1 gene [1]
    Anogenital Distance and Phthalate Exposure: Swan et al. Respond [1]
    Approaches for unveiling the kinetic mechanisms of voltage gated ion channels in neurons [1]
    Aquatic and terrestrial exposure of amphibians to estrogenic endocrine disrupting contaminants [1]
    Assessing the effects of anticoagulant rodenticides on non-target fish species [1]
    Assessment of the microbiome associated with endangered orchids [1]
    Association of force plate and body-mounted inertial sensor measures for determination of hind limb lameness in horses [1]
    Atypical localization of Eph-RTKs in childhood cancer rhabdomyosarcoma [1]
    Automated analysis of temperature dataloggers to determine hydroperiods of vernal wetlands [1]
    B2 or not B2 : loss of ephrin-B2 in endothelial cells during development, homeostasis, and regeneration [1]
    Bacteriophage HP2 of Haemophilus influenzae [1]
    Bat avoidance in the katydid genus Neoconocephalus [1]
    Behavioral choice and demographic consequences of wood frog habitat selection in response to land use [1]
    Behavioral consequences of polyploidy in hyla chrysoscelis treefrogs : implications for speciation and underlying mechanisms [1]
    Behavioral endocrinology of female gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, in response to acoustic stimulation [1]
    Beyond the edge : riparian habitat use and forest management effects on stream salamanders in the southern Appalachian mountains [1]
    Biogenesis of the Protein Storage Vacuole Crystalloid [1]
    The biology of the Florida scrub endemic millipede: Floridobolus penneri [1]
    Bisphenol A (BPA) in human serum and urine : exposure via dermal absorption from thermal paper receipts and oral ingestion after transfer from hand to food [1]
    The blue light responses and lifetime fitness of a hyper-phototropic mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays [1]