Influence of characters of ear and kernel upon the germination of maize
A great amount of literature has been published upon the selection of types of seed corn which will produce the best yield of grain. It is the general opinion of most agriculturists that there are certain physical and chemical characteristics of the ear and kernel which have a marked influence upon the yield. This is so universal that we have score cards which set forth the ideal type of ear and give certain values to the different characters. In general, the score cards are alike and all agree upon the characters which are desirable. They set forth a very similar type of ideal ear. No doubt the ear with the score card characters and type approaches that type of ideal ear which is the highest producer, but the question arises as to: How far should we carry on the selection for these characters? Is the extreme perfection the best or is it possible to carry the selection for a character beyond the point of best production and thereby decrease instead of increase the yield?
Thesis Department
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