Investigations of rural conditions in Boone County, Missouri, as related to the county farm adviser
The agricultural development of the past five years has established in thirty-three states of the union outside of the southern states "County Agricultural Agents" or "Farm Advisers" whose duty it is to live in the county in which they work and assist in every way possible in the betterment of the farm and farm life. It is from the viewpoint of the "Farm Adviser", the man who must diagnose the ill of his county thoroughly before he can prescribe, that this paper is written. The primary purpose of this paper, in so far as possible with the limited data at hand, is to learn what we can of the economic and social conditions of Boone County, Missouri, from the viewpoint of Farm Advisers just beginning work, to locate and consider a few of the farm problems in the county, and offer suggestions for their solution.
Thesis Department
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