Now showing items 59-78 of 106

    Juvenile salamander dispersal and use of terrestrial microhabitat cues [1]
    Labeling and purification studies on cancer targeting DOTA-TATE labeled with radiolanthanides [1]
    Lysophoshatidic acid regulation of cell surface-associated proteases [1]
    Making alternative fuel vehicles work: Storage through absorption on Missouri corn cob [1]
    Map-based cloning and characterization of meiotic drive resistance [1]
    Masticatory loading and soft-tissue plasticity in the mammalian circumorbital region [1]
    Mechanical evaluation of polylactic acid (PLA) with nominal Hydroxyapatite filler for use in biomedical implants [1]
    Microbial fuel cell analysis [1]
    Microhabitat selection by cave salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) as it relates to relative humidity and temperature [2]
    Micropost sensor array for cell traction forces studies [1]
    Nanoporous biocarbon as a storage system for methane [1]
    Nanoporous biocarbons as a storage system for natural gas as fuel for vehicles [1]
    A new approach toward PTP-1B inhibition [1]
    P2Y2 nucleotide receptors mediate inflammatory responses in mouse salivary gland cells [1]
    Peer-to-peer networking: A security analysis [1]
    Penetrating the NAT: Why and how? [2]
    Peptide profiling: Correlating estrogen receptor conformation with biological response [2]
    Percieved confidence when working with children affected by disruptive behavior disorders [1]
    A phenotypic comparison of heterosis and inbreeding depression across different ploidy levels of maize [1]
    Properties of soil samples from below prehistoric Lake Agassiz [1]