Now showing items 33-52 of 102

    The elderly, parent-child relationships and AIDS in rural South Africa [abstract] [1]
    Electric arc production of nanoparticles for energetic materials [abstract] [1]
    Electrohydrodynamic conduction pump - An experimental investigation [abstract] [1]
    Empowerment through journalism: social change through youth media production in northeast Brazil [abstract] [1]
    Energy scavenging from the human body for powering prosthetics [abstract] [1]
    Enhancing pond production of large food size-fish by controlling social costs [abstract] [1]
    Establishing the status of the American black bear in southern Missouri [abstract] [1]
    An estrogen induced, estrogen responsive rat model of breast cancer [abstract] [1]
    Evaluating the relationship between leaf nitrogen concentration and Minolta SPAD-502 meter readings [abstract] [1]
    Exploring the obstacles hindering the academic attainment of Latino/a students [abstract] [1]
    Exposure to explicit sexual media impacts men's perceptions of women's motives for sexual intercourse [abstract] [1]
    Externally advised REITs to internally advised REITs [abstract] [1]
    Force feedback control of a hydraulic cylinder [abstract] [1]
    The formation of cysteine-tyrosine crosslinks via a sulfenic acid intermediate [abstract] [1]
    Fourier transforms applied to a hydraulic system [abstract] [1]
    Generating Gbx2 antibodies: A useful tool in determining developmental mechanisms regulated by GBX2 [abstract] [1]
    Genetic variation associated with adaptive traits in the African forest (Loxodonta cyclotis) and savanna elephant (L. africana) [abstract] [1]
    Grief: A gendered approach to the elegies of Plath and Lowell [abstract] [1]
    Growth of orthographic representations in children with LLD [abstract] [1]
    Hormonal contraceptive use increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in active, young women [abstract] [1]