Now showing items 20-39 of 433

    Applying a "hypocrisy" strategy to improve food safety practices in restaurants [1]
    Applying the Polarization Memory Effect in Polarization-gated Subsurface Imaging [1]
    Aptamer encoded nanopores as single molecule sensors [1]
    Are social media bad for your employees? : effects of at-work break activities on recovery experiences, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction [1]
    Assessing the biocompatibility of different sizes and concentrations of gold nanoparticles conjugated to decellularized tissue scaffolds [1]
    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) for measurement of cell elastic properties [1]
    Automated detection of amperometric spikes resulting from quantal exocytosis and estimation of spike and pre-spike foot signal parameters [1]
    Automatic four-limb IMU gait analysis in the canine DMD model [1]
    Azelnidipine attenuates inflammatory responses, siperoxide and relevant signaling pathways induced by amyloid-beta in mouse cerebral endothelial cells [1]
    The best winter ration for the dairy heifer [1]
    Better beer : an exploratory analysis of craft beer flavor preferences and market segmentation. [1]
    Between-row mower design for weed control in organically grown no-till soybeans [1]
    Bioactivities of selected Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R. Br. leaf extracts [1]
    Biophysical and photobiological modulations of cellular pathways in Alzheimer's disease [1]
    The biosystematics of the Lupinus sparsiflorus complex and allies [1]
    CCVJ's fluorescence lifetime as a viscosity measurement tool and its possible application as a tunable picoseconds reference lifetime standard [1]
    CFTR chloride channels and ABC active transporters undergo similar structural rearrangements as part of their operation [1]
    Characterization [of] nucleic acids unwinding and exploring its application in miRNA detection in the nanopore [1]
    Characterization of berry ripening in Missouri Norton wine grapes [1]
    Characterization of membrane viscosity changes with the novel molecular rotor FCVJ [1]