School of Natural Resources (MU): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 567
Effects of dormant season soil flooding and soil temperature on pin oak (Quercus palustris) seedlings
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Bottomland forests are the dominant forest cover along the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Changes in land use and hydrologic regimes have reduced the area of bottomland forest, putting pressure on the remaining area to meet ... -
Estimating at-vessel mortality rates of shortfin mako sharks caught in the US pelagic longline fishery and examining environmental drivers of their depth use in the North Atlantic Ocean
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Shortfin mako sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus, have historically been a small part of recreational and commercial fisheries in the United States (U.S.). Recent stock assessments have identified declines in mako shark stocks that ... -
Manipulating forest structure and ground flora composition for the restoration of oak woodlands and the reconstruction of oak savannas in Central Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Managers across the central US are interested in restoring once abundant ecosystems such as savannas and woodlands. These restorations are inundated with challenges like creating the appropriate native plant structure and ... -
Turning up the heat: fire ecology and climate adaptive silviculture in longleaf pine forests
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Frequent fire is required to maintain the characteristic structure, function, and high biodiversity of longleaf pine woodlands. Longleaf pine regeneration is exposed to this frequent fire, yet persists as both patches and ... -
Effects of light availability and herbivory on planted white oak (Quercus alba) seedlings and acorns
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Despite remaining abundant in the overstory across the eastern US, white oak (Quercus alba) is failing to regenerate in many forests. Many interacting factors contribute to the continued failure of white oak regeneration, ... -
Uneven-aged management in the Missouri Ozarks: effects of site conditions, stand density, and prior populations on oak regeneration
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)While studies have shown the importance of site characteristics and overstory density on the success of white oak regeneration under uneven-aged management, few studies have analyzed the effects of these variables over ... -
Ecology of mid-continent migratory shorebirds, performance of tracking devices, and modelling animal social structure and demography
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Migratory birds are threatened by landscape and climate change, and shorebirds are particularly imperiled. Shorebirds undertake some of the most impressive migrations in the world, but in every season, there are threats ... -
Factors motivating college football fandom and attendance
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)The study about college football fandom and attendance trends at the University of Missouri is not entirely groundbreaking but is exploring an academic area still in its relative infancy. Sport fandom research has not been ... -
Factors influencing the space use of a nonhunted population of eastern wild turkeys
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) have been an economically and culturally important game species in North America for many decades. Recent declines in abundance and productivity in several populations of wild turkeys, ... -
The demography of Atlantic brant (Branta bernicla hrota)
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2022)Animal population dynamics are driven by variation in survival and productivity. Long-lived species such as Arctic-nesting geese often are characterized by high adult survival and low but highly variable annual reproductive ... -
Telephone survey of a select group of Columbia, Missouri residents: relationship of work time, housework time, and recreation and leisure time
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 1994)According to studies by Robinson (1989b) and Schor (1992), work time, housework time and recreation and leisure time have close relationships. The purpose of this study is to conducted a telephone survey of a select group ... -
Differences in atmospheric phosphorus deposition amongst rural and urban land use locations in Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia., 2022)Atmospheric phosphorus (AP) produced by both anthropogenic and natural processes influences phytoplankton productivity and alters carbon processing in water bodies, resulting in potential impairment and toxic phytoplankton ... -
Load, not loading: External nutrient loading impact on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)Eutrophication is the process in which excessive nutrients enter a body of water resulting in a rapid growth in population and density of phytoplankton. One type of phytoplankton made more concentrated during eutrophication ... -
Quantifying greenhouse gas ebullition rates across varying land uses, sediment types, and water temperatures in wetland systems
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)Around the world, wetlands and other aquatic ecosystems release greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. GHGs escape from these systems through the process of ebullition -- or bubbles being released from the aquatic ... -
Spatiotemporal variation in Lake Sturgeon movement and habitat selection in Missouri river tributaries : implications for the management and recovery of populations at range margins
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)Lake Sturgeon were nearly extirpated from Missouri by the 1970s leading the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) to list the species as endangered within the state. Recovery efforts commenced with the publication of ... -
Interspecific interactions between olive trees and grapevines in vineyard agroforestry systems in an arid climate region
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2021)In the face of climate change and environmental degradation, conventional viticulture risks the threats of reduced soil fertility, increased heat stress, water scarcity, unseasonal frost, extreme climate events, wind damage, ... -
Factors affecting participation in Indonesian social forestry
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2019)Social forestry was designed as a solution for massive deforestation, lack of land access and poverty issues in community dependent forests. The Indonesian Government allocated 12.7 million ha of forest area as community ... -
Effects of prescribed fire on forest soil properties in the Ozark Highlands
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)Prescribed fire is commonly applied to meet a variety of forest management objectives, including the restoration and maintenance of Oak (Quercus spp.) woodlands. In the Ozark Highlands, private landowners, conservation ... -
Maternity roost selection of Indiana bats (myotis sodalis) and occupancy of two threatened myotine bat species on national wildlife refuges in northern Missouri
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)North American bat species face a range of environmental stressors which have negatively impacted recovery of the endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and led to inclusion of the northern long-eared bat (Myotis ... -
Habitat selection and movements of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir
(University of Missouri--Columbia, 2020)Grass Carp, an herbivorous fish introduced in North America to control aquatic vegetation, has become an increasing ecological threat to aquatic ecosystems they invade. Grass Carp have the potential to cause declines and ...