Otsenka Vliianiia Protsessov Planetarnogo Masshtaba S Analieom Faeovieikh Tr aektorii I Enstrofii Na Raspad Blokingov
It was shown that abrupt changes in the large-scale structure of atmospheric flows may lead to the rapid decay of blocking. Analysis of phase diagrams made it possible to identify when sharp changes occurred in the dynamics of the system. The connection of these changes to the decay of blocking was estimated for three blocking events in the Southern Hemisphere. In addition to phase diagrams, enstrophy was used as a diagnostic tool for the analysis of blocking events. From the results of this analysis, four scenarios for the decay mechanisms were determined: (i) decay with a lack of synoptic-scale support, (ii) decay with an active role for synoptic processes, and (iii − iv) either of these mechanisms in the interaction with an abrupt change in the character of the planetary-scale flow.
Izvestiya AN. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 52-60.