Covering Missouri's Uninsured Children
Missouri provides insurance for children through its Medicaid program, known as MO HealthNet and its version of the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, known as MO HealthNet for Kids. Research indicates that a significant proportion of eligible children are not
covered by either program. Missouri has attempted to ease access by allowing “presumptive eligibility” (PE) where children are provided care as though
qualified for the programs, with actual eligibility established later. Currently, presumptive eligibility can be established at four Missouri hospitals but the Missouri General Assembly made additional funding
available for FY09 (beginning July 1, 2008) to expand PE to community health clinics. Access to health insurance will potentially increase significantly by expanding the number of sites that can provide care
under the presumptive eligibility standard.
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McComas, L. (2008). "Covering Missouri's Uninsured Children." Report 10-2008. Retrieved from University of Missouri Columbia, Institute of Public Policy Web site: http://www.truman.
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