Now showing items 587-606 of 1189

    Identification of the Missouri public's perception of natural resource problems [1]
    Identified Gaps in Biosafety Knowledge and Expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa [1]
    Identifying GM crops for future cultivation in the EU through a Delphi forecasting exercise [1]
    Identifying the role played by climate change in agricultural productivity : evidence from Iraq [1]
    Identity and reputation in organizational collectives [1]
    Immigration and farm labor : challenges and opportunities [1]
    The impact analysis of structural change in Korean agriculture with respect to the Korean-United States free trade agreement : dynamic simultaneous equation model approach [1]
    An impact analysis on how biodiesel demand affects the fats and oils market [1]
    Impact of a paid diversion program on milk prices in 1992 [1]
    Impact of accession to WTO on Agricultural Sector in Vietnam [1]
    The impact of agricultural growth on the rural development in Vietnam [1]
    Impact of Biotech Grains on Market Structure and Societal Welfare [1]
    The Impact of Bt Crops on the Developing World [1]
    The impact of corn rootworm protected biotechnology traits in the United States [1]
    Impact of energy consumption and agriculture growth on the environmental degradation: evidence from ASEAN countries [1]
    The impact of external knowledge on patent production among SBIR winners [1]
    The impact of fuel ethanol on motor gasoline market : modeling through a system of structural equations [1]
    Impact of genetically modified maize on smallholder risk in South Africa [1]
    Impact of Intellectual Property Rights in the Seed Sector on Crop Yield Growth and Social Welfare : A Case Study Approach [1]
    The impact of lecture capture on academic performance [1]