Now showing items 418-437 of 10009

    B-400 : a new, early variety of winter barley for Missouri [1]
    Background and community orientation of rural physicians compared with metropolitan physicians in Missouri [1]
    The background of the McIntire-Stennis Act for Cooperative Forestry Research [1]
    The background of University of Missouri College of Agriculture students and their evaluations of the reasons why they chose to attend the College of Agriculture [1]
    Bacteria concerned in the making of salt-rising bread. [1]
    Bacterial pustule disease in soybeans : artificial inoculation, varietal resistance, and inheritance of resistance [1]
    Bacterial ribosome conformational dynamics during translation termination and rescue [1]
    The bacterial type III-secreted protein AvrRps4 is a bipartite effector [1]
    Bacteriophage 16-3 of Rhizobium meliloti and its pattern of recombination : (Rhizobium, phage - vector, recombination) [1]
    Bacteriophage display selections of ovarian cancer avid peptides [1]
    Bacteriophage T4 and our present concept of the gene [1]
    Bagworms destructive in Missouri [1]
    The balance between plant immunity and development: interactions of SRFR1 and TCP transcription factors [1]
    Balancing Agricultural Development Resources : Are GM and Organic Agriculture in Opposition in Africa? [1]
    Balancing basic, genetic enhancement and cultivar development research in an evolving US plant germplasm system [1]
    Bales and Balance : A Review of the Methods Used to Assess the Economic Impact of Bt Cotton on Farmers in Developing Economies [1]
    Barriers and values of moral distress among critical care nurses / [1]
    Barriers to adoption of precision agriculture competencies in secondary agriculture education programs: a case study [1]
    Basal metabolism, endogenous nitrogen, creatinine and neutral sulphur excretions as a function of body weight. [1]
    Baseline Outlook for Missouri Representative Farms 2002-2006 [1]