Now showing items 72-91 of 463

    Conflict engagement and management among stepsiblings [1]
    The consequences of maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on offspring metabolic phenotype and adipose tissue physiology [1]
    Constructing a grounded theory of influences on paternal involvement in the treatment and care of children with type-1 diabetes [1]
    Consumer debt delinquency by family lifecycle categories [1]
    Consumer digital inequality and technology resistance in technology-driven fashion retail environments : a mixed methods approach [1]
    Consumption patterns of Chinese elders: evidence from a survey in Wuhan, China [1]
    Contributing factors for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance among African American young adults [1]
    Contribution of de novo lipogenesis to the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [1]
    Coparental strategies for managing childhood chronic illness in post-divorce families [1]
    Coparenting in low-income, African American, single mother households : an examination of their formation, and the roles of social support and relationship quality [1]
    Coping among pregnant, rural, low-income women facing intimate partner violence (pregnancy to three months postnatal) [1]
    Coresidence between divorcing daughters and their mothers : managing feeling like a failure [1]
    Correlates of credit card adoption in urban China [1]
    Creation of brand equity in the Chinese clothing market [1]
    Credit card usage among college students in China [1]
    Cross-functional skills of the fashion industry professional : T-shaped person skills framework for the fashion professional [1]
    Cultivating a landscape for food justice : an exploratory study of community food security measurement to inform community-based intervention strategies [1]
    Cultural values mediate the effect of parenting styles on Mexican American adolescents' prosocial behaviors [1]
    Cultural values reflected within Chinese children's stories [1]
    Daily relationship interventions : an integrative review [1]