Evaluation of Recommended Sentencing Pilot Program
Missouri's prison population rose significantly through the 1990s and early 2000s. When compared nationally, Missouri's
sentencing laws resulted in longer prison terms and in the imprisonment of a greater proportion of non-violent offenders.
Imprisonment is the most costly alternative ($14,005 in Fiscal Year 05), but may not be the most effective alternative. In 2003, the Missouri General Assembly responded to these
issues with the passage of Senate Bill 5 which, among other things, provided additional sentencing alternatives for nonviolent offenders. In partial response to the changes made in SB 5, the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission issued the Report on Recommended Sentencing, in 2004 which contained a proposed Sentencing Assessment Report, designed to replace the existing Pre-sentence Investigation Reports.
The Sentencing Assessment Reports were implemented on a trial basis in six circuits in early 2005. This analysis provides an assessment of the new reports.
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Valentine, D. & Stokes, S. D. (2005). Evaluation of Recommended Sentencing Pilot Program. Report 35-2005. Retrieved 09-24-09 from University of Missouri Columbia, Institute of Public Policy Web site: http://www. truman.missouri.edu/ipp/
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