Veterinary Pathobiology presentations (MU)
Items in this collection represent public presentations made by Department of Veterinary Pathobiology faculty, staff, and students, either alone or as co-authors, and which may or may not have been published in an alternate format. Items may contain more than one file type.
Items in MOspace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
Recent Submissions
How does malaria jump from mosquitoes to humans?
(2009)Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Brenda Beerntsen, delivers a lecture on malaria and it's method of transmission from mosquitoes to humans. -
Darwin's germ: the life and times of E. Coli
(2009)Chairman of the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia, George C. Stewart, delivers a summary lecture on the subject of the "most misunderstood" ... -
Genetically-modified animals: powerful tools for biomedical research
(2010)The University of Missouri houses three National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) animal resource centers. These animal resource centers are: (1) the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource ... -
Targeting Tick Borne Diseases
(2010)Ticks transmit the majority of vector-borne diseases of human beings in the USA and of domestic animals worldwide. Among these, tick-borne rickettsial pathogens cause at least four important tick-borne zoonoses in the USA, ... -
The Antigen Display on Bacillus Endospore (ADOBE) System a Noninvasive Biodegradable Microparticle Display System
(2010)The development of safe and effective vaccines and adjuvants remains an important global public health goal. The Antigen Display on Bacillus Endospore (ADOBE) system, developed at the University of Missouri's College of ... -
Evaluation of a novel bone-tendon allograft technique for rotator cuff repair [abstract]
(The Body Project, 2008)Background: The rotator cuff consists of a group of four muscles that collectively are vital for shoulder joint stability. A rotator cuff tear is a condition common in humans, occurring as a result of impingement of the ...