Now showing items 34-53 of 114

    E-community support for weight loss [1]
    E-community support for weight loss [abstract] [1]
    The effect of country of design, parts, and manufacturing labels on apparel quality, price, and purchase intention [1]
    Effect of gender and generation on objective and subjective retirement income adequacy at three points in time [1]
    The effect of product involvement on socially responsible consumer behavior [1]
    The effect of the room design on problem-solving ability in small groups [1]
    The effects of consumers' online shopping goals and their characteristics on perceived interactivity and shopping behaviors [1]
    The effects of the American Civil War on northern fashion of the era as reflected in Peterson's Magazine [1]
    The effects of trade liberalization on gender inequality in Central America and its relevance to the textile and apparel industry and academy [1]
    Elementary classrooms for autism : teacher perceptions of environment influence, adaptations, and COVID-19 impacts [1]
    Expectancy, perceived benefit and perceived cost of new technology : scale development in the context of Chinese textile and apparel firm mangers [1]
    An experimental study of consumer's attitudes toward the Web: cross-cultural analysis of cultural values and online consumer behavior [1]
    Explaining consumers' channel-switching behavior using the theory of planned behavior [1]
    Exploration of plus size women's apparel satisfaction, non-wear, and discard [1]
    Exploration of the unique firm resources described by Indian apparel export firms for their competitive advantages [1]
    Exploring Learning Experience in Textile and Apparel Management: Study Abroad in El Salvador [1]
    Exploring the impact of digital textile prints on identity expression in women breast cancer survivors [1]
    Family and life stressors predict adolescents' social behaviors via parenting and moral identity [1]
    Fashion brand CSR : fashion consumers' environmental belief, expectations on CSR communication, and purchase intention [1]
    Female consumers' purchase intention of fair trade textile and clothing handicrafts: the roles of a geographical indication and fair trade knowledge in a brand equity model [1]