Expected Impact of Agricultural Nonpoint Sources Special Land Treatment (AgNPS-SALT) Projects
This set of reports describes the computer based evaluation of 6 AgNPS-SALT projects in Missouri and assesses the use of SWAT as an evaluation tool. The analyses estimate nutrient, sediment, and pesticide loading reductions for each project.
The intent of the program is to develop watershed
based projects that include a combination of education, training, and best management practices
implementation aimed at reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution. In this study, an
environmental simulation tool, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), developed by the
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, was adapted to Missouri resource needs by
developing a set of weather, soil and management databases that can be directly used to model
characteristics of watersheds in Missouri. This study applied the computer based simulated
model to predict the expected environmental outcomes due to the adopting of the Best
Management Practices (BMPs) proposed in AgNPS-SALT program projects. The process was
based on data developed for six watersheds representing a cross-section of Missouri conditions.