Now showing items 345-364 of 2424

    Do A-fib patients continue to benefit from vitamin K antagonists with advancing age? [1]
    Do abnormal fetal kick counts predict intrauterine death in average-risk pregnancies? [1]
    Do ACE inhibitors decrease mortality in patients with hypertension? [1]
    Do ACE inhibitors or ARBs help prevent kidney disease in patients with diabetes and normal BP? [1]
    Do ACE inhibitors prevent nephropathy in type 2 diabetes without proteinuria? [1]
    Do acetaminophen and an NSAID combined relieve osteoarthritis pain better than either alone? [1]
    Do allergy shots help seasonal allergies more than antihistamines and nasal steroids? [1]
    Do annual pelvic exams benefit asymptomatic women who receive regular Pap smears? [1]
    Do antiarrhythmics prevent sudden death in patients with heart failure? [1]
    Do antibiotics improve outcomes for patients hospitalized with COPD exacerbations? [1]
    Do antibiotics improve outcomes in chronic rhinosinusitis? [1]
    Do antibiotics interfere with the efficacy of oral contraceptives? [1]
    Do antibiotics prevent recurrent UTI in children with anatomic abnormalities? [1]
    Do antibiotics shorten symptoms in patients with purulent nasal discharge? [1]
    Do antioxidants (vitamins C, E) improve outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease? [1]
    Do antipyretics prolong febrile illness? [1]
    Do any folk remedies or herbals help induce labor? [1]
    Do any topical agents help prevent or reduce stretch marks? [1]
    Do asymptomatic adults need screening EKGs? [1]
    Do behavioral interventions improve nighttime sleep in children < 1 year old? [1]