• How can we best treat and monitor VTE during pregnancy? 

    Debelak, Danielle; Neher, Jon O.; St. Anna, Leilani (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    Unfractionated heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin are equally effective for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in pregnancy (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C; based on expert opinion and 1 low-power ...
  • How does colonoscopy compare with fecal occult blood testing as a screening tool for colon cancer? 

    Boggs, Bruce D.; Stephens, Mary Maniscalco; Wallace, Rick (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    No studies have directly compared colonoscopy with fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). Multiple screening trials have demonstrated that a primary strategy of 3-card home FOBT with follow-up colonoscopy for positive results ...
  • What are the best therapies for acute migraine in pregnancy? 

    Conner, Stephen J.; Rideout, Stacy (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    No randomized controlled trials of pharmacologic therapy for acute migraine in pregnant women are available. Three treatment studies suggest that nonpharmacological therapies (combinations of skin warming, relaxation, ...
  • What is the best way to diagnose menopause? 

    Kahwati, Leila C.; Haigler, Lori; Rideout, Stacy (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    No single test for menopause is highly sensitive and specific. The best predictors that a woman will enter menopause within 4 years include age at least 50 years, amenorrhea for 3 to 11 months, and menstrual cycle irregularity ...
  • When is neuroimaging warranted for headache? 

    Grayson, Sharon; Neher, Jon O.; Howard, Ellen (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    Neuroimaging is warranted to evaluate headaches when patients present to an emergency department with signs or symptoms of an intracranial lesion. These signs or symptoms include abrupt onset of headache, focal neurological ...
  • Which late-stage Alzheimer's patients should be referred for hospice care? 

    Modi, Seema; Moore, Cassandra (Family Physicians Inquiries Network, 2005)
    Medicare guidelines are used to determine eligibility for hospice care (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, based on expert opinion), but they correlate with 6-month mortality no better than an experienced clinician's ...