Now showing items 1-20 of 73

    Active Mobile Interface for smart health [1]
    Adaptive thermal comfort computation with Zigbee wireless sensor networks [1]
    Baseline cortical activation to food pictures associated with change in weight, hunger, cognitive restraint, and disinhibition following bariatric surgery [1]
    Bed degradation of the lower Missouri River [1]
    Caricature as the record of medical history in eighteenth-century London [1]
    A comparative study of surrogate musculoskeletal models using various neural network configurations [1]
    A comparison of soil characteristics in relation to success of a restored prairie [1]
    Constructing massive blue elliptical galaxies in the local universe [1]
    Cooperative relaying in cellular networks for improving receiver diversity and cell radius [1]
    Cooperative relaying using USRP and GNU radio [1]
    Correlates of gender and achievement in introductory algebra based physics [1]
    CSISE: cloud-based semantic image search engine [1]
    Current-mode CMOS hybrid image sensor [1]
    Dawn of Spring for full orchestra [1]
    Decoupling of HSV1 Vhs protein mRNA decay and translation stimulation functions [1]
    "Defective childhoods": television news and the social construction of the 'child in need' [1]
    Der Struwwelpeter: a song cycle for soprano and chamber ensemble [1]
    Development and validation of a computational multibody model of the elbow joint [1]
    Eatopia: aesthetic spaces of collective food consumption in contemporary art [1]
    The Ebb and flow of policy, economics, and science: an analysis of policy drivers in the Missouri River Basin [1]