Now showing items 15-34 of 40

    Heat generation from hydrogen/deuterium pressurization of nanoparticles : composition and temperature effect on heat output [1]
    Hydrogen absorption and excess heat in a constantan wire with nanostructured surface [1]
    ICCF 18 Poster Index [1]
    Imaging of an active LANR quantum electronic component by CR-39 [1]
    Incremental emission from ZrO2-Pd-D nanostructured CF/LANR quantum electronic component [1]
    Investigation of radiation effects in water solutions during exposure with laser or LEDs light [1]
    Live open science, a good fit for LENR research [1]
    The magnetic force acting between nucleons [1]
    Method of controlling a chemically-induced nuclear reaction in metal nanoparticles [1]
    Modeling LENR chemical environments by computational chemistry [1]
    Neutron isotope reactions [1]
    Patenting cold fusion inventions before the US Patent and Trademark Office [1]
    Pictorial description for LENR in linear defects of a lattice [1]
    The possible reasons of external X-ray radiation of LENR installations [1]
    Power output, microstructure, and microchemical analysis of high surface area Pd and Ti cathodes obtained by thermal treatment [1]
    The progress of Celani's experiment replication project in China [1]
    Quantum nucleodynamics (QND) : the theory underlying the lattice simulation of LENR transmutations [1]
    Radiation coupling : nuclear protons to deep-orbit-electrons, then to the lattice [1]
    Recent results from gas loaded nanoparticle-type cluster power units [1]
    Relativistic coupling between lattice vibrations and nuclear excitation [1]