Now showing items 19-38 of 227

    Becoming a feminist director in the academy [1]
    Career decision learning experiences : development and validation of a scale [1]
    A case study of the progressive impact of school-wide positive behavior support on five selected student performance factors in a Missouri K-12 alternative public school [1]
    Characterization of PGAM5 [1]
    Characterizing performance via behavior co-occurrences in a 3D collaborative virtual learning environment : an exploratory study of performance and design [1]
    Characterizing the progression of disease associated with human meniscal pathology [1]
    Churches addressing domestic violence : the spaces between discourse & identity [1]
    The class blog : Chinese EFL non-English major college students' online writing experiences [1]
    The classroom check-up : modularizing effective classroom management interventions to support teacher implementation [1]
    Comparison of mosquito communities collected from differing livestock locations and an examination of phenotypic traits exhibited by four latitudinally separated populations of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) [1]
    A comparison of three opportunities to respond strategies across students with emotional and behavioral disorders in high school classrooms [1]
    Competitive learning and joint learning in international joint venture [1]
    Complex life-histories and biogeochemical cycles : interactions between amphibian life-history strategies and elemental cycling [1]
    Consequence of winning: interdisciplinary analysis for deontological perspectives of moral function and the interaction with motivation for Division I college athletes [1]
    Constructing a grounded theory of influences on paternal involvement in the treatment and care of children with type-1 diabetes [1]
    Contributing factors for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance among African American young adults [1]
    Controlling SIBLING protein orientation and conformation via native binding interactions [1]
    Convection battery research, development, and simulation [1]
    Crying in the wilderness : the outlaw and poet in Ben Hecht's militant Zionism [1]
    Culture, capital and community : gentrification and redevelopment in a St Louis neighborhood [1]