Now showing items 1020-1039 of 1936

    Missouri's Honor Awards for 1936 [1]
    Mobile and tablet media platforms : effects on editors at print publications [1]
    Mobile App Monetization – Expectations and Attitudes Formed by Users in Response to Advertising and Pay To Download Monetization Models [1]
    Mobile banking : what drives consumer adoption [1]
    Model ethnicity and product class involvement: white Americans' attitude toward advertisements featuring Asian-Indian models [1]
    Model minority [1]
    The model of contingent organization-public relationship : reconciling contingency and relationship management theory [1]
    Moderating the green guilt of marketing : a visual analysis and semiotic review of environmental advertising [1]
    Moderators' modus operandi : a rhetorical, qualitative analysis of the 2016 presidential debate moderators [1]
    The moneymakers: business publications and alternative revenue streams [1]
    More than meets the eye : how subject reactivity influences visual journalism [1]
    Mortgage-backed confusion : explaining the 2008 financial crisis through narrative in three books [1]
    Most effective communication strategies to introduce campus solutions systems to college/university campuses [1]
    The most powerful weapon : a blended narrative on the beginning of the University of Missouri South Africa education program [1]
    Motivated processing of online news comments : how do incivility and belief congruence affect comment readers' cognitive and emotional responses? [1]
    Motivational use of Twitter [1]
    Motivations and impression management : predictors of social networking site use and user behavior [1]
    Motivations behind individuals' engagement with urban, community-building nonprofits on Facebook : a uses and gratifications approach [1]
    Motive, mode and satisfaction with e-tailing sites: a technology acceptance perspective [1]
    Moving up or moving out : new job demands, ability to cope and burnout among television news producers and executive producers [1]