Now showing items 663-682 of 1936

    Honor Awards for Distinguished Service in Journalism, 1969 [1]
    Honor Awards for Distinguished Service in Journalism, 1970 [1]
    Honor medal banquet, November 10, 1995 [1]
    Honor medal banquet, September 18, 1998 [1]
    Honor medal banquet, September 19, 1997 [1]
    Honor medal banquet, September 20, 1996 [1]
    Honor Medals 2002 [1]
    Honor Medals 2003 [1]
    Honor medals banquet, September 22, 2000 [1]
    Hospitals on Facebook : uncovering fans' uses and gratifications [1]
    Hostile media effect : testing the effects of political candidates of varying race levels and political party affiliation as news article subjects [1]
    how a conflict can be framed by the media [1]
    How are Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) contacts and officers created and retained? What impact does their career paths have on open government principles such as FOIA directives, policies and guidelines communicated by the President of the United States and the Attorney General? [1]
    How brands engage with college students [1]
    How can they remember it? : the effect of presentation format and information density on mulitmedia message processing [1]
    How depictions of race and a magazine's mission have changed over time: a summative content analysis of cosmopolitan magazine covers [1]
    How did business journalism outlets cover President Donald Trump's immigration ban using framing, hierarchical cluster analysis and a professional analysis at bloomberg news? [1]
    How do American audiences interpret Chinese documentaries? : a reception study on tie xi qu: west of the tracks and fortune teller [1]
    How do politicians' responses to scandals differ on social media? An evaluation of three case studies using the contingency theory [1]
    How do we measure the impact of an investigative story? : impact measurement at WFAA-TV in Dallas [1]