Now showing items 3164-3183 of 11332

    Effects of red wine and grape juice against foodborne pathogens and probiotics [1]
    Effects of reduced protein and diet complexity on performance and cost of nursery pigs [1]
    The effects of reduced protein diets using the Missouri ideal turkey protein on male turkeys from 0 to 21 weeks of age [1]
    Effects of reduced protein, amino acid supplemented diets on production and economic performance of commercial broilers fed from hatch to market age [1]
    Effects of regeneration harvests on stand development and oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration through 15 years in bottomland hardwood forests of Northern Missouri [1]
    The effects of regular tanning bed use and increased vitamin D status on bone mineral density and serum inflammatory markers in healthy women [1]
    Effects of riparian buffer width on stream salamander populations in the southern Appalachian Mountains [1]
    The effects of Roman expansion in the Middle Tiber Valley : Ameria and its environs [1]
    The effects of scale and information distribution on group decision-making processes and outcomes [1]
    The effects of script training on sociodramatic play [1]
    Effects of selected surfactants on nutrient uptake and soil microbial community [1]
    Effects of self-explanation as causal mechanism elicitation methodology on causal reasoning task performance [1]
    The effects of sex and ovarian hormones on arterial baroreflex control of blood pressure in humans [1]
    Effects of SI administration staffing and support on SI program outcomes in higher education [1]
    The effects of silvicultural treatments on oak height and basal diameter growth and oak regeneration abundance following a woody biomass removal during harvest in the Missouri Ozarks [1]
    Effects of socioeconomics on European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) abundance in Baltimore, Maryland [1]
    Effects of soil management and plant breeding on insect herbivore growth and consumption [1]
    The effects of source and landmark type on viewers' emotions and message-related outcomes in social media-induced tourism : the moderating role of narcissism and fear of missing out [1]
    Effects of soy protein isolate and milk protein isolate on metabolic health and bone outcomes in sedentary, adolescent male OLETF rats [1]
    Effects of spatial subsidies and canopy cover on pond communities and multiple life stages in amphibians [1]